Example sentences of "[adv] if [pers pn] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if I just quickly point out the main ones erm they have been amended in er , a later version of the document .
2 They did n't want to drive , but they did , they learnt to drive , but they they said they never really wanted to do it , but only if they really really had to do it .
3 But only if I really really trust you . .
4 After the jump , no doubt I might simply regret not having died , but only if it no longer matters to me how I die , only if I am past caring about the value of my acts .
5 So if you just generally think about the idioms like that , frozen pieces of language and fixed meanings you 'll find they come in formed sentences and subject expressions and verb phrases but not subject verb .
6 So if I just arbitrarily write to a selection in every one of the areas we 're covering .
7 William Blogg , whose brewery disappeared just before the First World War , is one of a whole host of East End brewers whose names live on , even if they no longer brew .
8 As soon as any woman gets a bit uppity , or any two or more women or young women want to spend time together , or even if we just plain disagree with the men or boys , the ultimate sanction can be applied : call her a lesbian — that will soon bring her back into line .
9 A correspondent learned to do that , even if he no longer needed to practise his profession — the best-selling book he had written years ago had given blessed financial independence .
10 This means that it is no defence that the defendant believes that the policeman is acting outside the scope of his duty , even if he reasonably so thought .
11 Why did you not have the common decency to inform your uncle Orrin of where you were going , even if you no longer wish to oblige your mother and me ? ’
12 Even if you do n't , the skill of advocacy , the skill of thinking concisely , presenting clearly , is a useful skill even if you never actually use it in the courtroom .
13 This suggests that the notocord still has some function in development , even if it no longer plays a role in swimming .
14 ‘ Third World ’ will , therefore , be used in this book without ( further ) apology , or scare quotes , as a positive term of radical critique even if it also necessarily signals its negative sense of economic dependency and exploitation .
15 A bitch , once infected , will usually harbour sufficient larvae to infect all her subsequent litters , even if she never again encounters the infection .
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