Example sentences of "[adv] there be [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 so there 's bound to be
2 ‘ There is a lot more wet weather to come so there is bound to be a lot of flooding , ’ said a spokesman .
3 In another area it may be that all the fast food shops are all close to each other and so there is bound to be a congestion when the pubs empty .
4 In Miami alone there are reported to be more than fifty botanicas — shops selling all the necessities of the cult — and there are also pet-shops specializing in the doves , chickens and peacocks which devotees require for the rituals .
5 As discussed above there are assumed to be a number of willing Doom Divers ready and waiting to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
6 Only later did Oliver Michaels come back with the sobering news that the hotel was strangely full of policemen , that there was no breakfast to be had save for coffee and muffins , without a trek to the Albion Hotel , and moreover there was thought to be something odd about Sir Thomas 's death which no one would specify .
7 No universal rule can be stated , because examiners differ in their practice , but nearly always there is meant to be a connection , at least if the two parts of the question are not subdivided by numbers or letters .
8 Similarly there is said to be ‘ the opportunity for increasing the manageability of the whole system ’ by enabling local network management to extend into the wide area network .
9 surely there 's bound to be an employment in credits , does , does telephone not work on an employment credit scheme ?
10 If : then there are said to be economies of scope at the output level concerned .
11 If everybody knows everybody else and they all go to the same parties , then there is bound to be a certain unanimity , if not in their judgements at least in their objects of attention .
12 The implications of this for the relation between how and the infinitive are exactly the same as with need and dare : if the means of realizing the infinitive 's event are not felt to exist , then there is felt to be nothing real occupying the before-position which real means always occupy with respect to the end pursued , and therefore no to preceding the infinitive .
13 ‘ At the very least there is perceived to be an apparent disinclination to contact and involve Church spokesmen in matters like education or to approach the Moderator for his views on the circumstances of the Presbyterian community which is the second largest denomination in Northern Ireland , ’ one leading Churchman said .
14 However there is bound to be a ‘ margin for error ’ capable of producing a misleading trend .
15 It was heresy , of course , but the show was likely to last another hour at least — Saint Laurent was famous for the length of his shows — and afterwards there was bound to be the most fearful crush .
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