Example sentences of "[adv] been [adj] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hedley Byrne was considering a substantial advertising programme for a customer which previously had only been involved in limited programmes .
2 Lead-free petrol has of course only been popular in recent years .
3 I have long been interested in military technology so I was determined to attend the presentation .
4 Fortunately for him Kennedy had long been interested in British politics , and included Churchill among his heroes .
5 Edinburgh , Glasgow , and London ( particularly Imperial College ) universities have all been involved in major research projects in this area , although the major structural problems had been elucidated in 1906 by scientists from the then Geological Survey of Scotland ( Peach and others .
6 I have always been interested in musical declamation .
7 ‘ I 've always been interested in old furniture and I 've swotted it up a bit in my spare time . ’
8 ‘ I had always been interested in flying kites ever since I was young , so when someone offered me one for sale , I jumped at the chance , ’ added , whose wife has also become hooked on the sport .
9 Calendars and diaries have always been popular in good bookshops , many of these products spinning off from familiar sources ( Tolkien , Beatrix Potter ) and sold in by book publishers with the autumn lists .
10 The fish has also been involved in other incidents of distress , such as having a fight with a Picasso Trigger .
11 The strengthening of this centralist trend , which has also been evident in other aspects of state schooling , is seen to culminate in the government 's consultation paper The National Curriculum 5–16 ( DES/Welsh Office , 1987 ) whose proposals were incorporated in a largely unchanged form in Chapter 1 of the 1987 Education Reform Bill .
12 In the United States , Franklin have traditionally been strong in retail marketing .
13 It has been suggested that , because physical geographers have traditionally been involved in atmospheric processes , hydrology and the soil , it is logical that contributions could be made in the characterization of the plant environment both spatially and temporally ( Hanna , 1983 ) .
14 Billy Kelly , the power workers ' leader who had then been instrumental in halting industry , promised that the electricity workers would again bring the province to a halt .
15 Little is said about workers ' consciousness ( awareness and interpretation of their situation ) , or the social and political impulses towards joining the labour movement which have undoubtedly been important in Western Europe .
16 I 've never been interested in American stuff .
17 ‘ We have reason to believe , ’ said the sergeant , taking no notice of the question , ‘ that this boat has recently been involved in illegal traffic , and that the said operation was centred on the island of Faarsay . ’
18 All five London Pest Control branches have recently been involved in intensive council flat cockroach and pharaohs ant treatments .
19 Grayson was a Plymouth merchant and yeoman of the crown , who had recently been involved in maritime activity against pirates in the south west .
20 Grayson was a Plymouth merchant and yeoman of the crown , who had recently been involved in maritime activity against pirates in the south west .
21 I have recently been involved in preliminary discussion with a private sector developer , and with British Coal , concerning two separate projects which could lead to the provision of serviced development land .
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