Example sentences of "[adv] been [verb] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Previously it had only been expected to be able to offer a 16-way system in its first go-round .
2 The principal problem about them has generally been said to be that of their meaning or semantics .
3 They have generally been assumed to be massless , particularly as measurements of the electron-neutrino mass showed it to be less than a few ten thousandths that of the electron .
4 For day to day purposes a knowledge of the following has generally been found to be useful to practising managers :
5 But this general expectation has already been shown to be misleading in his approach to the monastic life of the community at Canterbury .
6 Thirdly , the only course of action if some form of handicap is detected , is to have an abortion , as the handicap has already been shown to be present in the foetus .
7 Perkin had always been presumed to be busy in his workshop , and yet there were hours and days when he might not have been , when Mackie was out of the house seeing to the horses .
8 Coun Jack Warwick ( Lab ) a retired Yorkshire Water authority official and Coun Eric Dixon ( Ind ) a retired education authority officer , have both been nominated to be next Mayor of Scarborough .
9 Recently some migrant African and Chinese populations have also been found to be susceptible to non-insulin dependent diabetes , and people of European origin might be the only true ‘ low susceptibility ’ group .
10 The International Air Transport Association has also been held to be subject to the EC competition rules for the same reason .
11 The POU domain has also been shown to be important for protein-protein interactions ( 55 ) .
12 The risk of postoperative infections in patients in which a diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease had not been established preoperatively had also been shown to be high .
13 Changes in the gall bladder , such as the increased absorption of water and the hypersecretion of mucous glycoprotein have also been shown to be responsible for cholesterol gall stone formation .
14 It was an area in which competitive private enterprise in the supply of water had early and clearly been shown to be deficient .
15 LAW and gospel have traditionally been thought to be opposed to one another .
16 As he recited familiar words , Jaq puzzled why he had really been detailed to be present on Stalinvast during its purge .
17 Even if the contribution of bronchial asthma to cause of death is interpreted generously — for example , part I of the death certificate states death from asthma and part II states chronic obstructive airways disease — only 63 of 100 deaths have so far been found to be attributable to asthma .
18 Since the late eighteenth century , there had developed the ‘ perfectionist doctrine ’ which claimed that ‘ government of the people by the people ’ was most appropriate , but according to Bryce , this had now been shown to be wrong .
19 It is said that assumptions on which he was apparently prepared to proceed have now been shown to be unsound .
20 The distribution of price changes or returns has often been found to be leptokurtic .
21 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
22 Brideshead , too , is an exercise in passionate nostalgia , and of a kind that has sometimes been held to be embarrassing , since it celebrates the dying life of a great country house , though such critical embarrassments may be more ritual than real .
23 However , the same has again been found to be true of some normal schizotypal individuals and , notably , the genetically related children of schizophrenics .
24 The carboxy-terminus has previously been demonstrated to be essential for Oct-2 to activate transcription ( 20 , 44 , 45 ) .
25 Certainly the reliance now of necessity of such systems demands , and fortunately the nature of these types of premises is likely to permit , a much closer relationship between the ‘ business end ’ of the system and the valves which control it than has previously been considered to be necessary .
26 In this study nifedipine plus diuretic lowered blood pressure more effectively than propranolol plus diuretic , which has previously been shown to be effective in black hypertensive patients .
27 The same RNA samples from several cell lines were probed for ATF1 RNA , β2-microglobulin RNA ( as a monitor of differentiation ( 46 ) ) and CREB RNA which has previously been shown to be present at similar levels in UF9 and DF9 cells ( 47 ) .
28 Histamine has previously been shown to be 10 times less potent in stimulating cAMP concentrations in gastric glands isolated from guinea pig antrum when compared with glands isolated from the fundus ( 9×10 - 5 M compared with 10 - 5 M ) .
29 This domain has previously been shown to be important for transcriptional activation ( 44 , 45 ) .
30 Contrary to the official establishment line on fluoride , this substance has never been shown to be essential for body function , and its role in protecting teeth from dental caries is extremely doubtful .
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