Example sentences of "[adv] have [be] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is thus important to use language which reflects a real change of attitude to people who for so long have been unwilling recipients of services designed largely for society 's comfort and not theirs .
2 In the last few days alone there have been probing books about Mrs Thatcher and Winston Churchill which told us a great deal about the murky depths of the authors .
3 The graphs indicate that on these measures there have been substantial changes over the post-war period .
4 We know that in most regions there have been frequent changes of climate in the geologically immediate past .
5 In the Somerset Levels there have been great changes since the Roman period ( Fig.48 ) .
6 The implementation of reform and change have , according to Sir Thomas , been significant but he admits there have been great difficulties over the years getting the PR message over .
7 In all these countries there have been major debates about what policy to adopt in order to restrict the arrival of such people .
8 By contrast , in the growth sectors of manufacturing and services within the non-metropolitan regions there have been strong tendencies of concentration in the main settlements .
9 In these appeals we have only been concerned with the obligation to give the contemnor this written record , but in most of the reported cases there have been other breaches of procedures in addition to a breach of this nature .
10 Around the country there have been isolated examples of operations going wrong perhaps because surgeons have not had good enough training .
11 Though ESA admits there have been electronic problems with one of the system 's processors , it 's hardly surprising .
12 In the Grampian and Northern areas there have been big increases in both murder and attempted murder .
13 Ever since I can remember there have been little stickers of white paper all over the house with neat black-biro writing on them .
14 For plants there have been numerous papers on the relationship between growth indicators such as dry weight or leaf area and time .
15 Despite their dependency on Rome , the jesuits too have been important innovators on the contemporary scene in Ireland , particularly in the areas of education for ecumenism and industrial relations .
16 Both these examples raise issues other than the question of whether support is one-way , but they do indicate that there certainly have been historical circumstances in which people have felt that the requirement to provide financial support to parents , in circumstances where they were apparently unable to reciprocate , went well beyond their normal expectations of support between kin .
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