Example sentences of "[adv] we [vb mod] n't [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We ordered so much we could n't eat the last dish they brought us , could n't even touch it .
2 We was laughing so much we could n't get no sound out .
3 And perhaps we would n't see an orange for a fortnight , three weeks perhaps .
4 The next day I went to the State Bank , and there I was told , ‘ That 's fine , only we ca n't give the money to the person here .
5 So we wo n't get the chance for at least another month . ’
6 So we ca n't use the funds in our balance sheet , simply to carry on the way we are , we have to change .
7 But no , we just we could n't get the cost right .
8 He said : ‘ Admittedly we ca n't do a lot of big photo shoots and adventurous features which require the star 's co-operation .
9 And I think also we should n't overlook the em employment in Leeds that would be related to that .
10 Special needs again we 've highlighted , we have put in a token on the er in the primary sector erm it 's a notional amount , clearly we ca n't tell the schools how to spend their money but it seemed to us that the increasing in managerial role of primary deputy heads , they would welcome er a small increase in non con in non contact time .
11 After ten minutes I heard the camera motor stop as the film ran out , but the director , knowing by now we could n't use a foot of it , let the old boy run on until he had finished .
12 Well we ca n't have a bad year presumably it means you do n't pay tax .
13 ‘ Our children play out on the street and there 's a plan to build a school on land nearby surely we could n't have a busy road where children are going to school ? ’
14 Anyway if you 're feeling like this maybe we should n't watch the match — you might start attacking me . ’
15 It is a crime of violence and if we ca n't prove the violence then we ca n't prove the rape . ’
16 my Lord if , if if it was , if that was based upon illegal business we would say it was invalid , if it was based at the end of the day upon business that we would of erm permitted to have been written then we would n't have no our defence to it
17 And there was all that messing about there , and then we could n't foresee the wagon having two punctures , blah , blah , blah and the rest of it !
18 Well actually we would n't need a very big one would we ?
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