Example sentences of "[adv] they [vb mod] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At about 6am they said I should eat something and if nothing had happened by 8am they 'd ask a doctor to break my waters .
2 ‘ Who knows , ’ Ernest said , ‘ perhaps they 'll have a bit of food to spare .
3 Rachel wanted to move to London , and thought that perhaps they could share a house .
4 Perhaps they will find a section that I have missed .
5 Now perhaps they should produce an Apple Macintosh version , which would be exactly the same but cost twice as much .
6 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
7 Perhaps they 'd take an excursion by brake to Pegwell Village this afternoon if the concert had to be cancelled because of rain .
8 He could countenance violence and killing , if only they might provide a way out of the taedium vitae which formed his spiritual landscape .
9 If only they would come an hour earlier , and erm spend erm a pleasant time in their cars erm on the car park having a picnic before they go in , they would save themselves an awful lot of , of , of hassle .
10 If only they could catch a German !
11 If only they could teach a thing or two to Gloucestershire — they go into Sunday 's match with Derbyshire looking for their first win over a county side this season .
12 If the other evidence was good enough they could secure a conviction on that alone .
13 So they 'll have an hallucination of eating the cake and say yummy is n't this cake lovely , and you and I can see there 's no cake there .
14 so they could hear a boat coming in
15 so they could have a shower
16 Midland and Hongkong banks are complementary rather than overlapping , he said : together they would create a group with 3,300 offices in 68 countries with combined assets of £145 billion .
17 If only she would join with him now , perhaps together they could find a way through this terrible situation .
18 UIS Ltd , based in Epsom , Surrey , has entered into a ‘ synergistic partnership ’ with fellow DEC system management software developer Raxco Inc of Rockville , Maryland : the two companies , which serve the Vax/VMS , Alpha/Open VMS and Unix market , will now operate under the Raxco Inc name ; together they will offer a portfolio of 30 products , serve 25,000 customers and boast a combined $40m turnover ; prime focus will be expansion of the Unix product line ; the deal , said to be mutually beneficial , will expand the former Raxco 's UK , European and Scandinavian coverage while bolstering UIS 's support services .
19 He tells him that together they can make a stake , get a place of their own , and settle down .
20 Then Mr and Mrs Singh would come again with Balbinder , and finally they would receive a letter from County Hall .
21 And I think you know the management ought to learn , hopefully they will learn a bit by that as well .
22 Later they will hold a rally in Trafalgar Square .
23 Some never query that sooner or later they will have a child or several children .
24 Students come here primarily to get a degree , but also they should get an understanding of the basic laws of the universe .
25 So far the French had been fired on from the field on their left , now they would see an officer on the right of their advance .
26 And now they should rest a while .
27 Now they can take a combine , they go up-hill , down-hill , side-hill — any owd way , and away they goo !
28 Our safest bet is to assume they did n't , but if they did the soonest they could launch a search is first thing tomorrow .
29 Often they 'll kill a couple of lambs , take one at the time and leave one to be picked up later , ’ he explained .
30 Often they will enter a family situation where the focus of all difficulties lies with one person , perhaps the ageing parent who has become dependent upon the younger members of the family .
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