Example sentences of "[adv] from the [noun sg] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 When a voltage is applied to the tip of the AFM needle ( which is kept far enough away from the surface so that no tunnelling current can flow ) , the dopant 's electrons are disturbed and exert an electrostatic force on the tip .
2 I pulled a corner of the curtain away from the window so that I could see out .
3 Reluctantly , Jinny looked away from the woman so that she could inspect him .
4 She felt his hands on her waist , pulling her ruthlessly away from the box so that she was forced to withdraw her hand .
5 In light weather you either keep the boat upright or heel it very slightly away from the wind so that gravity helps to fill the sail .
6 With the average pressure hovering around 1030 mb plus for weeks on end last summer , it can be seen quite clearly from the table below that the water level in the Solent area was generally around minus 0.4m lower than predicted values .
7 Encourage the puppy to allow you to have the toy on occasions right from the outset so that it does not become unduly possessive in later life , as this can lead to aggressive behaviour .
8 Let me quote again from the report so that people realise that I am not making this up .
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