Example sentences of "[adv] on [art] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 As Strevens ( in Altman 1979 ) points out ‘ In order to focus better on the learner we must also produce teachers of a calibre to do the focusing . ’
2 I mean obviously on the whole he ca n't guarantee what sort of priest we 're going to get , but the whole meeting was quite positive .
3 At ten o'clock on the plate you 'll find Milano salami .
4 Once you have decided which facts you have to face , and whittled down the possibilities according to space , family and pocket , you can decide much more easily on the feeling you would like to introduce .
5 Far above on the moor we could see some new machinery which meant that someone was working out the tailings for spar and barytes for the North Sea oil industry where they 're used in the drilling Processes .
6 If you 're staying elsewhere on the island you can join the wildlife walks for a day or more .
7 The Chinaman normally on the landing you will now find outside this door . ’
8 Before going outside your organization look around to see whether there is anyone already on the payroll who could do the job .
9 And erm if you wanted to hear about Chelmsford Cathedral when Estelle who was a humorous and eighty something but still on the ball she 'll tell you about the
10 Perchance on the morrow we shall have better news . ’
11 She did n't know what it was , but once on the phone she could n't bring herself to tell Anne all the miserable details .
12 Once on the ground they may be able to get to safety before the killer strikes again .
13 Also on the handset you 'll see , there 's an R button , a hash button and a star button .
14 This is based unashamedly on a system which will be familiar to students of Open University reading courses .
15 Well erm probably on the back you can select whether it er sends a number by pulse , and you can tell actually cos it 's very you d you 'll dial
16 But it was mainly on the beach we used to play all the time .
17 Which is referrals , the most efficient way of prospecting is on your , on here , so really on every appointment you should have a little P .
18 No one suggests he should be left to the mercy of mad killers , but if he 's really on the run he should be sheltering in some safe house , not bopping around town .
19 After all , with so much physical development now on the ground it can be generous to ‘ the community ’ .
20 What I can do is bring you someone now on the line who can tell us exactly why that decision was made and exactly why that money was spent in the way it was because we 've been joined by Councillor John Power .
21 If more than one LIFESPAN system is running simultaneously on a computer it will be necessary for each one to operate its own independent offline system using different media items .
22 From somewhere on the hillside I could hear the clip-clop of a cow 's feet .
23 Well on the phone you 'd think he was business ex ec the way he talks !
24 It is quite usual to be pleasantly surprised by the large amount of information that has been produced , even on a subject you may feel ignorant or confused about .
25 Even on the ground you can do expensive damage by moving the undercarriage lever in mistake for the flaps or airbrakes .
26 At least on the farm I can work ‘ flexi-time ’ , not like some of the boys who have to be at their civy job at half eight in the morning .
27 aha , that 's , so I did , cos this week well maybe on a diet I 'll , I 'll just get salad stuff and , you know when you , I 'll just get the mince and er shops that shops that and I 'll just get me frozen stuff at the , you know , just at the
28 Here and there on the hillside I could see sheep and goats grazing among the wild flowers and stunted trees .
29 There on the cross he could say I 've done it all !
30 There is an item late on the agenda which will , i if it 's agreed by council , will release a little bit of money that would , we could put perhaps to er towards this thousand pounds .
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