Example sentences of "[adv] be say [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the above criteria of articulation and recognition of breaches , a further necessary condition must be satisfied : actions can only be said to be rule-governed when some other alternative actions are possible .
2 For much of the next generation there could scarcely be said to be such a thing as a French army , for a sizeable proportion of Charles VII 's soldiers came from Scotland .
3 No area of the law can ever be said to be easy but the legislation dealing with obscene and indecent publications seems to be unduly complicated .
4 Conversely , a spirit of self-criticism and renewal can hardly be said to be absent from the religious sphere when one of the problems faced by institutionalized orthodoxies has been to contain the eruption of reform and sectarian revolt .
5 Instead it turns out to be very much concerned with rhetoric , which can hardly be said to be new for this age or even essentially syntactic .
6 The development of computer-based public access systems to the holdings of one or more libraries , together with advances in online bibliographic searching , have increasingly led to the use of CAI programmes for user training , yet use of CAI programmes can hardly be said to be widespread .
7 But any magazine that retains a nonagenarian film critic and a weekly cartoonist who has entered his eighth decade can hardly be said to be immature .
8 Bruges goes to bed early and can hardly be said to be throbbing with night-life .
9 But such generalizations as these , while perhaps being applicable to a few individuals of each country , can reasonably be said to be prejudiced statements based on inadequate sampling .
10 But other concerns seem to centre around whether animals might properly be said to be happy or free from worry' , not in the sense of being healthy and free from pain but rather with the human paradigm in mind .
11 To talk of the presentation appearance , on the other hand , is to talk of something that can , itself , properly be said to be large , round , blue , and so on .
12 We could only do so if in our view he was so clearly and outrageously wrong that his decision could properly be said to be irrational .
13 Some of Freud 's patients became more rational in their understanding of their problems , and they could therefore be said to be nearer than non-patients to the standard Freud held up as worthy of human beings .
14 Surprisingly she discovered that funding for both film-makers and festival organisers is proving as elusive in the larger metropolitan centres as it is here where the state of gay and lesbian film culture can safely be said to be embryonic at best .
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