Example sentences of "[adv] by his [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Locke 's distinction between the real and nominal essence of substances , and the way in which the corpuscular hypothesis figures in his conception of the world , which he shares with other anti-scholastics of the time , is brought out nicely by his analogy of the Strasburg Cathedral clock .
2 His concern for the souls of the rich was equalled only by his fear of the impatience of the poor ; he lived in daily fear of revolution .
3 ‘ Bobby has proved himself to be something of a medical miracle already by his resilience to the treatment . ’
4 Today , benefiting from psychoanalytic insights , we would probably say that man was distinguishable from the beasts by virtue of his possession of a highly evolved and differentiated ego , and still more by his acquisition of the superego .
5 He had studied at Chelsea in his apprenticeship days and his highly successful practice in Mark Lane enabled him to retire early to Eltham in Kent and to devote the rest of his days to his garden of rare plants , many of which were sent home by his brother from the Near East .
6 More than a dozen other candidates ' names — some frivolous , others serious — have been bandied about , particularly since Lord Wilson 's departure was brutally disclosed four months early by his elevation to the peerage at New Year .
7 This is evidenced not only by his insistence on self-discipline but also by his insistence on the realization of Truth through the service of others , and by means of ahi sā .
8 Firmly planted on the rocking boat , he suggested , even by his stance in the doorway , that things , however difficult , would turn out reasonably well .
9 Encouraged initially by his father in the belief that the acquisition and mastery of the culture dispensed in the state educational system was a necessary prerequisite to self-advancement , and spurred on by the conviction that to avoid his father 's fate he must acquire the one element that his father lacked , Nizan proceeded systematically and relatively uncritically between 1917 and 1924 to immerse himself in bourgeois culture .
10 It had to be learnt time and again by his descendants throughout the succeeding twenty centuries .
11 The defendant 's admission , defence or counterclaim must be signed by him if acting in person , or else by his solicitor in the solicitor 's own or firm 's name .
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