Example sentences of "[adv] by the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For this exercise , the procedure being examined is that carried out within a section , and the procedure owner is taken to be the person who could authorise changes at this level ( eg by the introduction of pro-formats for day-to-day recording of mileage etc ) , in this case the head of each section .
2 ( i ) Aliens — this ground of disqualification , which one would expect , attaches apparently by the Status of Aliens Act 1914 .
3 Before embarking on care proceedings a local authority should always consider whether it could improve the family situation sufficiently by the provision of services on a voluntary basis ( Guidance , vol 1 , para 3.11 ) .
4 Vogts has been determined to bring on younger players since he took over , his hand forced somewhat by the disappearance of veterans like libero Klaus Augenthaler , defender Andreas Brehme and striker Rudi Voeller from international football .
5 The idea that a person once genuinely good could be made bad merely by the removal of restraints is not yet present .
6 By the eighteenth century salutes were normally given merely by the firing of guns , not by the more humiliating lowering of the flag or striking of sails .
7 Now the pathology is by a chief information and i in fact , the chief information could be provoked merely by the presence of organisms .
8 The definitions does not cover gatherings that are wholly indoors , since these can usually be controlled readily enough by the monitoring of exits and entrances .
9 In many cases fans were able to attach labels to certain positions , but in some cases the role was defined only by the range of behaviours required for it .
10 Is the Secretary of State further aware that the proposal is welcomed not only by the majority of Londoners , but by all the senior officers of Scotland Yard ?
11 The surprise for well-fed French bureaucrats heading for a busy day paper shuffling at the European Commission was lightened only by the inclusion of croissants as a side course .
12 The heavy two-handed sword fell with them , sliding along the floor as the two men wrestled each other in a deadly silence broken only by the sound of fists meeting flesh and their hoarse breathing .
13 A workmanlike silence fell , broken only by the snip of scissors on stems , and the steady scratching of Folly 's pencil as she scribbled out the orders for next day .
14 But as the vote is a foregone conclusion ( in outcome , if not in numbers ) , debates tend to be formalized occasions and , apart from the opening and the winding-up speeches , are attended only by the handful of MPs who wish to speak .
15 This apparent conflict is resolved only by the application of materials and techniques brought about by scientific developments and , in this context , cleaning is a science .
16 The demand for imported goods by the USA has been sustained not only by the growth of incomes during the economic expansion since 1982 but also by the considerable appreciation of the US dollar in foreign exchange markets between 1979 and 1985 ( the depreciation of the dollar beginning in March 1985 ) .
17 Officials describe the exodus as ‘ quota-driven ’ , meaning that numbers are limited only by the number of places made available in resettlement countries .
18 On the whole , the evidence and advice suggests that a combative approach is best , making clear that the plaintiff is prepared to litigate , and doing so swiftly by the issue of proceedings .
19 Now the decision was that the money promised by the dairy company could not be recovered by the Crown , for the reason that ( a ) any prerogative power to tax had been taken away by the Bill of Rights 1689 , and that ( b ) as for the statutory powers of DORA , the Regulations under which the food Controller was acting did not on their wording enable him to impose a tax .
20 Betty , perhaps carried away by the association of ideas , was talking about flatulence .
21 Thus by the use of cheques , credit cards , standing orders , etc. , money can be transferred from one person or institution to another without having to rely on cash .
22 This will be affected not just by the amount of resources devoted to health , but also by the efficiency of the service .
23 Similarly the efficiency of a hospital should not be judged just by the number of operations completed , but perhaps also by the effectiveness of the operations .
24 The adults occur on mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts and feeding is generally by the ingestion of plugs of mucosa .
25 If they have stopped working , they are likely to be seen as dependents — to be looked after more or less generously by the provision of pensions and health services , but with little relevance to educational policy ; simply , they are seen as a cost .
26 To administer these , take one grain and dissolve it in distilled water with some alcohol added , the total amount to be determined approximately by the number of doses you wish to prescribe .
27 The involvement of several amino-acid receptor subtypes in the induction of LTP has been determined largely by the use of antagonists and is described in Box 2 .
28 The starting point for the case for gradual emancipation made in 1823 , largely by the freeing of children of slaves born after a certain date , was the agreed failure of the expected automatic amelioration of slavery after abolition of the slave trade .
29 Applications for fellowship must be supported by two fellows who have known the applicant for at least three years and will be considered individually by the board of fellows .
30 Show your strengths to capitalise on , what you 're good at , O K , but that 's normally by the sort of products you 're selling , or it may identify to your manager , why you 're just selling Covermaster , has living insurance gone out of fashion where you are ?
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