Example sentences of "[adv] it [is] more [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 So it 's more likely that they 'll make it compulsory .
2 If all the ships sail separately it is more likely that at least one ship will stray into the field of view of a submarine than if the ships sail in a tight convoy ; a convoy may slip by without being detected .
3 well it 's more likely that she 's gon na see one of the relatives than him , is n't it ?
4 The same kind of point is illustrated by ( 19 ) , except here it is more likely that it is the notion of full luminescence which is explained in the more familiar terms given in the reformulation : In these examples , the speaker 's aim in reformulating an utterance is to enrich the hearer 's encyclopedic entries in order to ensure a greater understanding of the surrounding discourse or text .
5 Surely it is more essential that she should be well educated , as research has shown the mother 's education to be more important to the child 's own later achievement than the father 's .
6 If their view of God is what they say , then it is more surprising that they did not reject it much earlier .
7 However , if the crisis has been particularly sharp and the depression of sufficient duration then it is more likely that the total of will increase sufficiently to push up the price of consumer goods .
8 If class membership is transmitted across generations ( that is , if there is little social mobility ) then it is more likely that these classes will become distinct social entities , differing in many ways in their social characteristics .
9 If one word is incorrect then it is more likely that the surrounding words are also incorrect , possibly due to incorrect word segmentation .
10 The decision based on a number of current offspring , larger numbers can be greater benefited with and therefore it 's more likely that if the parent had a lot of er offspring then he would continue with the investment and erm the conclusion from now is that males have a greater reproductive success , therefore they are more likely to desert because they can erm and erm this and erm the basic argument of this is one parent can get away with investing less share of erm resources they 're likely to spend more er then they 're to do it , so in other words erm if , if one of the , of the two is being to get away with having the other they can go out to er pursue their own and therefore erm each partner force the other to invest more .
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