Example sentences of "[adv] that i [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was something enthralling about this scene , the three girls in the circle of insect-laden light , so that I had n't wondered what she was doing and only now did I realise that the girl was a fortune-teller .
2 There had been a delay in building it , so that I had only managed a few hours ' practice in the streets of Salford .
3 I try to arrange things so that I come out feeling happy .
4 I 've got this watch with an alarm on it , so that I know when to take it .
5 You know , perhaps if you straightened up on the side , or made it a bit more symmetrical , so that I know how to improve it next time .
6 and , and Northbrooks ever since it was built right next door to me when I was living there er , many years ago and er get the , the new development done , and so that I do n't think we should hold on .
7 But , so that I do n't bankrupt the parish , I do a bit of teaching at St Veep 's and the odd session for Gilbert .
8 But if , say , they use £ 10-worth of it right away , £10-worth three weeks later , and save the final £10-worth until they 've paid off the check ‘ so that I do n't owe anyone ’ , the true rate of interest works out at about 400 per cent .
9 This was unusual , as she generally preferred the lounging chair on the veranda , ‘ so that I do n't feel completely bedridden , ’ and Belinda hoped she was not going to lie there and brood about the issue of the amniocentesis .
10 It 's a matter of recognizing the anger in me on an everyday basis so that I do n't bottle it all up to the point of explosion .
11 So when I 'm knitting I will add a stitch each side for the seam if necessary , so that I do n't lose any of the pattern .
12 No , though these are my gloves , it 's so that I do n't get perspiration on the , on the dress , yes , or rings or anything , so
13 Erm is almost to go back so that I do n't know who 's on the course but Jayne 's course for example ,
14 The conference was helpful in suggesting ways to act and by providing solidarity so that I do not feel alone .
15 They 've come a long way since those days though — the soles of that pair were completely worn through after 400 miles walking in the Andes so that I ended up walking in my socks !
16 There were no European schools in Narayanganj so that I did not go to school until I was 12 ; Jon was 14 .
17 It was very tiring work , and it kept me busy so that I did not look up and see the Hispaniola until she was just half a mile away from me !
18 I enjoyed Richard who was a casual , almost brutal lover , his desire rising and spending itself as impatiently as mine , so that I did not have to suffer all that tedious , preliminary business of fondling and stroking , and I enjoyed my baby , which surprised me as I had not expected to .
19 They were interested in my opinions but not my circumstances , so that I did not have to invent any tales about my past .
20 One of the English teachers from Nanking stayed in the hospital with me , so that I did n't feel too helpless or lonely , and the 4 British students here visited me .
21 I shall never forget the kindness of the many people who took it in turns to give me a lift , so that I did n't have to drive there and back .
22 little bits , little bits and I 'll buy you your tobacco Neil nothing much but little bits of something now if he were working and could give me the full sixty that is thirty for his room and thirty for his food so that I did n't have to worry about th actually paying for him but he was paying me Paul is going to pay me fifty that 's thirty pounds in , I made a rule to Paul that he is going to eat thirty pounds worth of food and there are only twenty pounds in my profit and then the other rule , a man called Alan this window cleaner he wants the room that I 'm in at the moment
23 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
24 ‘ Or is it only that I do n't understand why as a consequence of being a mere male ? ’
25 Good I 'm pleased about that , so I did n't really want somebody coming all the way down from the West End cos I 'm I , I 'm what I would call a buyer , I 'm only going to be a buyer if I can get money from somewhere that I do n't know you know what I mean .
26 I forgot the departmental meeting and I bawled out the wrong kid yesterday , there 's a stack of mail that I have n't even opened in my pigeon-hole , my marking is getting pretty cursory , and I have decided regretfully that I do n't have the energy to organize the third-year science field trip this year , nor the time to prepare properly for my A-level group .
27 And I might have a thousand stashed away that I did n't know about ?
28 It 's just that I 've already mentioned to someone else , and if they ca n't go , then I 'll offer it to you .
29 It 's just that I 've just got too many at , it can only be done a week before
30 It 's just that I 've never given the matter much thought .
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