Example sentences of "[adv] that she have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was bad enough that she 'd fallen in love with the cold , glacial man she already knew him to be — if she were to suddenly discover a tender , humane element to his character , heaven help her .
2 It was enough that she had to work with him .
3 Naomi , she was arriving back penniless she had a foreign daughter-in-law , that in itself was proof enough that she had strayed from God 's will .
4 If only he would stop staring at her and winking at her and getting in her way about the house so that she had to brush past him !
5 When Miguel tipped her chin so that she had to look into his eyes , she said rather bitterly , ‘ It sounds rather like where you took Victoria in the Mercedes , Miguel .
6 as if the kiss he had forced from her had been forgotten , he released her and swivelled , abruptly leaving her so that she had to follow like a servant at his heels .
7 She had n't much to tell him — merely that she had stopped on the bridge for a moment to look at the river , had been attracted by the gulls and then noticed what was exciting them .
8 It was merely that she had learned from her life with him that , like many married women , she did n't really need a husband .
9 I wished only that she had spoken to me before .
10 She wished even harder that she had gone with him .
11 It seemed to her now that she had lived in a dream .
12 Now that she had calmed down it was very clear to her that her actions had been rash , to say the least .
13 ‘ Of course you do , ’ Alyssia replied , feeling slightly better now that she had succeeded in explaining away some of the astrologer 's words .
14 It was quite simply that she had wanted to be with him .
15 It was ten days ago that she 'd heard from Le Touquet , and that series of games must be over by now , she knew .
16 Anna who had renal cancer , died just hours after she learned officially that she had graduated from Northumbria University .
17 She wondered whether there was something else that she had blocked from her conscious memory which was affecting her feelings towards men .
18 Pinned beneath him , she was shaking so violently that she had to cling to him to steady herself .
19 I learned only recently that she 'd lived near here . ’
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