Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 As I I love being a candidate , I love talking to voters , I like being active and doing things and that 's the reason basically that I want to be your Euro candidate , I 'm ready to be a candidate again .
2 This causes massive expansion of air , and demonic winds churn up dust so that one seems to be walking on the bed of a murky sea .
3 We may not ask for help by weeping , but our bodies may become helpless so that we have to be helped .
4 In more recent times , Luciano Berio has used the same technique in his Sinfonia , Labirintus H , and electronic works , so that we seem to be hearing different music — symphonic , jazz , military , vocal , etc. — as if radios were tuned to different stations and the music merging , conflicting , and changing .
5 The use of these specific substances or behaviours may trigger the underlying addictive potential so that they come to be used inappropriately and compulsively .
6 Three rows of tiny figures circled a Navaho basket , holding hands forever in the weave ; black squares for heads , so that they seemed to be facing inward to preserve the sanctity of the dance .
7 Grey stone walls rose about them , and winged roofs surfaced with rose-red tiles caught the sun so that they seemed to be on fire .
8 Positioning the moss at the bottom of the picture , push the wild flower stalks into the moss so that they seem to be growing naturally .
9 Female sexuality causes men to lose self-control so that they cease to be responsible for their actions — or so runs the accepted wisdom .
10 Evolutionary pressures have separated the male and female mink , so that they appear to be ( and are sometimes mistaken for ) two distinct species .
11 ‘ Oh , no , señor — we bring plenty of moss from the hills and cover all the pots so that they appear to be part of the tree .
12 Thunder exploded , roll after roll after roll , so that there seemed to be no gap between but only an incessant bombardment .
13 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
14 Weirdly , the step turned into a kind of floating movement , so that she seemed to be somehow poised in the air for an instant .
15 Some fall in behind her , and follow her to the lecture theatre , so that she appears to be leading a little procession , a female Pied Piper .
16 Then she saw the man 's face through the open mouth and immediately turned her head away so that she appeared to be looking at something of consuming interest outside the window .
17 Simon could n't afford to let himself be divorced ; Constanza did some extremely quixotic things and they managed to fix it so that she appeared to be the guilty party .
18 ‘ My taking the veil ? ’ said the nun , so that she appeared to be joking .
19 Only centimetres from his eyes and mouth , the hydra blurred and soaked up his voice so that he seemed to be shouting underwater .
20 Contact was made with his son , Ian , who still runs the same garage and he was very interested in the ideas put forward , so much so that he agreed to be the main sponsor for the project .
21 Certainly there appears to be some sense in restricting any changes in the law of incest so that it continues to be an offence for a parent or grandparent to have sexual relations with a child aged 16 or 17 , because children of that age are often dependent and living at home , and so the conditions for exploitation are still present at that age .
22 The captain of the Serapis had meanwhile nailed his Red Ensign to its staff , so that it had to be torn down , when , around 10.30 pm , the English vessel , with five feet [ 1.5 m ] of water in its hold , its holed topsides open to the moonlight , and its rigging and sails almost cut away by gunfire , was forced to surrender .
23 As the excluded social forces grew in political strength , so they pressed in on the established constitution in ways which eventually caused it to buckle so that it came to be more in line with their views as to how things should be .
24 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
25 Two years later Mr X releases all rights in connection with the property so that it ceases to be property subject to reservation and the relevant period begins to run .
26 At the apex of the jaw the ventralmost tooth may be superficial , separating , the infradental papillae so that it appears to be an apical papilla ; in other specimens the infradental papillae lie closer together ; they are followed on each side by two block-like oral papillae .
27 The writer discovered or was introduced to Robinson Crusoe too early , so that it appeared to be a tedious book ; Mervyn Peake 's Gormenghast trilogy appeared a little too late , so that he accepted it with a little less excitement than it deserved ; and Proust 's Remembrance of things past came at the right moment when he had the tenacity for the task .
28 Around it Willie had added rain so that it appeared to be flying against a great wind .
29 " The custom of disguising reality so that it appeared to be perfect " had long been the tactic of the Franco regime .
30 This is not to say that the product is inferior , indeed many desktop publishing systems can do things that no typesetting equipment ever could , merely that it has to be recognised that the technology has its place .
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