Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] [verb] [not/n't] know " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He probably thought it better that you did n't know .
2 There is still much that we do not know ; J. Hartley in a thirty-year survey ended shatteringly : There is a complex job to be done .
3 And as they come , as Naomi comes back to the place where she went astray so God starts to bless , so much so that she does n't know whether she 's standing or sitting !
4 The more complex partner gives the simpler nature too much space , so that he does not know where he belongs .
5 Was he one of those people who told jokes with a perfectly straight face so that you did n't know if it was a joke or not ?
6 Erm is almost to go back so that I do n't know who 's on the course but Jayne 's course for example ,
7 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
8 He would have preferred it had their arguments led directly to immaterialism , and showed not merely that we do not know what qualities material objects have , but indeed that they have none , or even that there are no such objects .
9 Good I 'm pleased about that , so I did n't really want somebody coming all the way down from the West End cos I 'm I , I 'm what I would call a buyer , I 'm only going to be a buyer if I can get money from somewhere that I do n't know you know what I mean .
10 And I might have a thousand stashed away that I did n't know about ?
11 It 's just that we did n't know that I did n't hear what she said .
12 They might have been done , it 's just that we do n't know .
13 It 's just that you do n't know how we do it here , Captain Owen .
14 It is just that I do n't know what the man will do .
15 It 's just that I do n't know if he loves me — or even cares .
16 I mean , I know how to do it , it 's just that I do n't know what to do . ’
17 ‘ I only know that there is more that I do not know than that I know , , I answered .
18 His sons said later that he did n't know how to . ’
19 Mrs Stych protested coyly that she did not know enough about books to be of any use , while she wondered privately how she was going to fit this new commitment into her already overcrowded schedule of social events .
20 And to point out to her now that she did n't know the right thing to do when visiting people like the Kirkleys would be , in a way , against the advice she had just given her , although it was n't to do with talking ; more like behaviour and deportment or some such .
21 Advertising is certainly a legitimate business , but there is a sense in which its goal is to raise the lust factor to a level where we feel we need something today that we did not know existed yesterday .
22 Before long , through unobtrusive questioning , he had discovered the root of the boy 's fear — simply that he did not know what was going to be done to him .
23 Sometimes she said simply that she did not know when he would be back and dropped the phone .
24 It was just as well that he did n't know my long-term aim was to be a pro golfer .
25 ‘ The widow , ’ replied Hank , with more than a trace of impatience in his voice , and then continued : ‘ And it 's selling so fast that I do n't know what to do with the money .
26 There 's not much happens here that I do n't know . ’
27 She felt sometimes that he did n't know how spirited she could be , and this would certainly have shown him !
28 I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference — the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary , which means that it had no beginning , no moment of Creation .
29 In addition , four- and five-year-olds often said explicitly that they did not know less , or even asked what it meant .
30 Susie said quietly that she did n't know what she wanted — she had come because Peter had asked her to .
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