Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] [vb past] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was not enough that they had been questioned at length about a work in which they had secretly collaborated : they were now to be insulted by having their acknowledged work dismissed as of small account .
2 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
3 The complainant need not show he was aggrieved on the date mentioned in the summons , it is enough that he had been aggrieved earlier , otherwise as Darling , J. pointed out in Hilton v Hopwood it would be virtually impossible for an individual to bring an action under s.99 .
4 And it had been there , about twenty minutes later , that Thiercelin had received his wound ; a shell splinter in the cheek , which looked worse than it was , bleeding profusely into his collar and tunic , so that he had been ordered back to the chateau to have it dressed .
5 They acknowledged only that they had been playing loud music and having innocent fun .
6 She could n't really remember anything , only that she had been knitting and then she had woken up in this bed with her nosy , bossy sister sitting beside her .
7 In June , he told Puchberg bitterly that he had been forced to give away his ‘ Prussian ’ quartets for a song , just in order to have enough cash to meet his present obligations .
8 Lamprey was reading the second , and so far no word had come downstairs that it had been rejected .
9 It was just that they 'd been told they could n't do it .
10 Mrs Bennett would have a fit if she knew Celia had gone up to Beckwith 's Folly , but it was n't the first time lately that she had been overwhelmed by the desire to escape , although it was the first time she had actually done anything about it .
11 Harris , who last season captained the Raleigh-Banana team which has now been disbanded , announced yesterday that he had been offered a contract by the Spanish Lotus-Festina squad .
12 Labour attempted to pre-empt any jobs package by stressing yesterday that it had been pressing for such measures since before Christmas .
13 This was the first time since 1948 that the entire Legislative Yuan had been elected , and the first time ever that it had been elected entirely within Taiwan .
14 She did n't seem surprised to see him sitting there still in his cloak and obviously only just returned from Mass , and he knew at once that she had been told about the murders .
15 You may lose some credibility with the clientele if you demolish him or her with a blitzkrieg attack only to find later that they had been looking for the nearest toilet !
16 I then tried to deduce the events of the previous night and discovered some time later that I had been raped by force by XYZ who had been on the mini bus and followed me home .
17 In the instant case the IT were entitled to find that it was not reasonably practicable for Mr Sen to have presented his unfair dismissal claim in time , notwithstanding that he had been given erroneous advice about the time limit by a solicitor in circumstances where he had also been wrongly advised as to the time limit by a member of the IT staff .
18 Now that they had been presented with the information which they had requested all along , they had to prove that faecal contamination of the egg shell did not constitute any great risk to public health , Mother Catherine said .
19 ‘ You would n't believe how sexy that skirt is blowing around like that , ’ Mandy said michievously , now that she 'd been granted her pardon .
20 Even now that she had been made a director of the firm , Laura was well aware that it did n't mean that she had a job for life .
21 How could the English boy go on living now that he 'd been found out ?
22 It was standard procedure for such conglomerates to collect contemporary art , now that it had been recognized that such art was plentiful , reasonably affordable , and able to yield substantial returns .
23 Now that it had been draped by thick blankets stripped from the beds upstairs it was very dark .
24 She had been right in her assumption about the photograph — she was sure now that it had been taken at one of those supper parties , and without prior warning .
25 Deal or no mysterious deal , now that it had been established that he had not tracked her down all she wanted was for him to go .
26 It was clear to me from this letter that we were engaged again , if that was what I wanted , and I did ; also , that the natural happiness and buoyancy of Leslie 's nature had reasserted itself , now that it had been released from what he had felt to be the cramping frustration of home service .
27 But what should I do now that I 'd been told about Belinda 's feelings ?
28 before that it had been done in eighty one , eighty two , eighty four , eighty six , eighty eight and ninety , so curiously now , it 's it 's missed out several years ,
29 I have never known anyone work like it — and I discovered today that she had been writing articles for the Clarion Cry at midnight on top of everything else she did in the house .
30 Oxford Crown Court heard today that she 'd been subjected to repeated indecent assaults by her mother 's ex-boyfriend at their home in the Wantage area between 1985 and 1987 .
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