Example sentences of "[adv] that [art] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mossadeq declare that Iran did not need a settlement anyway ; much better that the country proceed as if it had no oil — at least that way it would not be exploited .
2 ( m ) The question of reliance It is not enough that the seller knows of the particular purpose of the goods sold , the buyer must also have relied upon the credit-broker or seller 's skill and judgment at the date of the contract .
3 It is tempting to consider that the current legislation and the case law which has arisen under it , provides equivalent protection to that required by the Directive so that no changes need to be made .
4 So that no subject had to be excluded because of duodenogastric bile reflux .
5 This should be contrasted with the position where the debenture are not qualifying corporate bonds , where the base cost of the shares in Target is rolled into the base cost of the debentures , so that no gain falls into charge unless the debentures are in fact redeemed for more than their ( lowered ) base cost .
6 He saw a house , the house , almost the house a child draws in its infant school , four windows , chimney , door , garden path , lazy-daisy looped flowers in rectangular parterres , only this house was also a crudely three-dimensional flimsy box , barely containing something very large and very much alive , covered with rusty pelt , so that every aperture bulged with glowing fur , was pushed outwards , cracking , and a claw showed here on a sill , and a ripple of muscle there .
7 The entrepreneurial organization is both experience-based and decentralized , so that every advance builds on every previous advance , and everyone in the company has the opportunity and capacity to participate .
8 He is especially proud of his large collection of hunting birds , which occupies a substantial mews and tends to spill out into the palace itself , so that every room has at least one large bird of prey on its perch .
9 In many cases , the community 's total landholdings were divided , so that a share known as the mensa ( " the table " ) was earmarked for the community 's maintenance , the rest being available for the lay-abbot 's management and the king 's service .
10 However , in practice insufficient weight is often given to this aspect of a recruitment policy , so that a firm committed to an internal promotion policy will have to make do with available talent for future promotions .
11 For XOOX , on the other hand , the species is the only one that contains a mixture of isotopes , so that a sample made from scrambled dioxygen will give three peaks rather than four , and six peaks .
12 Reg. v. Grant and Hewitt , 12 J.L.R. 585 , although it adds nothing to the established principles , is an example of inconsistent previous statements wrongly withheld by the Crown at the trial but properly , if belatedly , disclosed on appeal , so that a conviction depending on evidence of identification was quashed for want of a fair trial .
13 Kenneth Baker has decreed that all new cable systems must be compatible , so that a system laid in one part of the country will interface with the systems laid in other parts .
14 you can move them in and out of word processing ( WP ) packages so that a message received in e-mail can be incorporated into a document which you wish to send on or work on ; and ,
15 Thus the traditional formulation of an agenda needs to be changed so that a meeting starts with clarification of purpose , agreement on timing , allocation of tasks and consolidation of process issues from previous meetings .
16 As noted above , stipulations in commercial contracts which fix time limits for action by the parties are normally interpreted as conditions , so that a failure to perform on time entitles the other party to terminate the contract .
17 Typical of these is the use of hidden cameras linked to some form of eye-scan monitor so that a reader left in a waiting room with a magazine can be watched , to see how the magazine is read and which bits of a particular page or ad are most carefully looked at .
18 So that a body put in later would still be there in the morning ? ’
19 The doctrine that mental disease did not have a physical cause became widely established , so much so that a study published in 1915 which reported definite changes in the left cerebral hemispheres of schizophrenic patients was largely ignored until it was rediscovered 70 years later .
20 The ideal tasting glass should be broader at the base than the top , so that the aroma concentrates around the rim — this makes it easier to appreciate .
21 The iron bedsteads in the wards were only 2ft ; 4ins ; wide and there was an insufficient number of flock mattresses so that the bedding projected in the gaps between the iron laths .
22 She could hear a loud , low-pitched door-bell , always opened the door fully , invited the patient to enter , then left the door open so that the patient turned towards the open door when giving his name .
23 They always had to do them on Boxing Day , so that the letters went into the first possible post after Christmas .
24 One was the collection of anecdotes , culled from Greek and Roman history , which made points of military importance : armies should avoid having their backs to a river when confronting the enemy in battle ( Bertrand du Guesclin ignored this advice , with fatal results , at Nájera in April 1367 ) ; or , attempts should be made to manoeuvre armies so that the sun shone in the enemy 's eyes .
25 As it progresses , the nodes ' weights are changed a little at a time so that the nodes drift into clusters .
26 Obviously entrepreneurs will seek to pay the cheapest possible rent in order to minimize costs ; moreover , they will seek to establish a fixed rent for the duration of the lease , so that the money paid in rent can easily be forecast when planning the business .
27 The tap could be regulated so that the water flowing from it filled another tank in exactly twenty-four hours , while raising a float inside the tank a fixed distance .
28 Where a dissecting microscope is used and injections are conducted in a Petri dish , it is important that the tips of the instruments are inclined at a slight angle towards the bottom of the dish so that the shoulder left after pulling the capillary does not prevent the mouth of the pipette reaching the bottom of the dish ( see Section 9 ) .
29 It was felt by many politicians and officials that local government , in its recent form , was slow and inept so that the departments dealing with local authorities either developed a mass of controls to enable them to watch over local authorities or actually withdrew services from the local authorities .
30 Once a star 's real brightness is known , its distance can be worked out , so that the Cepheids act as ‘ standard candles ’ .
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