Example sentences of "[adv] to [art] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now Botswana could not cut itself off from South Africa during the long years of apartheid but Botswana did make clear that it opposed apartheid and voiced this very strongly and much to the annoyance often of the South African government .
2 This would apply only to a juvenile already in care of a local authority and then found guilty of a further imprisonable offence , and would be for a fixed period of not more than six months .
3 They stood talking and Joanna soon drifted away to a group near by .
4 But it was I who got away to the steps up to the morning room , Francis 's sorry steps .
5 Just to the part in between — the no man 's land . ’
6 As well as letting radiation in , both CFC 's and carbon dioxide act like a blanket around the earth keeping solar radiation close to the surface instead of escaping into space .
7 The national press and media were travelling on the plane with Mrs Thatcher , but the local photographers and journalists were going directly to the airport ahead of time .
8 I refer to recent letters about the cost of house sales and also to an article today in your Property section .
9 And the fire went straight to a place deep inside her body that she had n't even known existed until this moment .
10 ‘ Please , Pen , ’ Melanie pleaded , her husky whisper carrying all too clearly to the girl outside in the hall .
11 I 'll get you 'll have to go just go right to the back just at the back otherwise you 're gon na be flipping through millions of pages .
12 What was new about Nicol 's slicing was the method , and this led immediately to important advances in palaeontology , and eventually to the opening up of a new world of discovery for petrology .
13 Since this Act came into effect , deportations have increased threefold to a rate where over 300 Black people are being deported every month .
14 This week 's talks may lead to some reductions in American troop levels in the South , even to a scaling down of the military exercises that so infuriate the North , but it 's unlikely anything will happen about the border itself , which will remain the most heavily fortified in the world .
15 Even pride , the most self-centred of passions implies that one does see oneself from other viewpoints and care whether one is admired or despised , even to the point perhaps of valuing respect by others above self-preservation .
16 As it was , British Coal 's intervention led needlessly to the break up of one of the last surviving High Victorian ensembles in England .
17 This may be no less true of the views of parents , employers and school governors who will respond initially to the presenter not to the argument .
18 The man in the attic had been dragged through the gaps under the roof to one of the empty houses next door , and from there to the bushes down by the beck where the sound of his coughing would not give him away .
19 Leaning across to the fellows closest to him , he attracted their attention long enough to introduce Loretta .
20 Trotskyists drew closer to the ILP again in opposition to the war , making full propaganda use of the Communists ' rapid change in policy in September 1939 and June 1941 .
21 Impressed ‘ I was looking forward to a night out with the England Students squad on their training weekend at Bisham Abbey , but I wo n't say no to a bit of warm weather instead . ’
22 A prolific contributor to magazines — first The Cricketer since his teens and , since 1981 , WCM — he can look back on more than 20 books , and forward to a number still in gestation .
23 With Rover works in the region employing thousands in Cowley and Swindon , the company says it 's looking forward to an upturn later in the year , they say jobs are n't at risk .
24 He wrote to Greece : I look forward to the day when by the Eastern and Western Emperors together , this enemy nation will be expelled from the church of Christ and Christianity will be avenged .
25 ‘ I look forward to the challenge ahead with great enthusiasm , ’ said Joe Darby .
26 For Coleridge there was always the immediate possibility of escape , either to the bookroom near at hand , or to the more distant hills .
27 The result is naturally a concentration of erosion on the headlands , thus leading ultimately to a smoothing out of the coastline if it is of one rock type .
28 There 's little else to the accommodation apart from an open-plan head to the starboard and a small galley opposite .
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