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1 Harry Moyle 's very detailed examination of Hampden , aided by his own personal experience in the aircraft , is perhaps of more interest to the aircraft than the lifeboat enthusiast but is included here for two very good reasons .
2 The largest of all Blackwells Art & Poster Shop 's calendar suppliers is Pomegranate , which offers a magnificent range of subject matter — not just Monet , Hopper , Escher , Klimt and Impressionists , but calendars of the work of Piranesi , Charles Rennie Mackintosh , William Blake , Childe Hassam , Maxfield Parrish and Redoute , and perhaps of more interest to the general bookshop , a range of other subjects that includes astronomy with a calendar of The Maps of the Heavens , feminist history in Women Who Dared , Classic Jazz and Classic Blues Musicians , Shakespeare 's World , archaeology with Sacred Stone Sites , The History of Medicine and an array of natural history subjects , including The Mountain Gorilla , Harp Seal Pups , Penguins , Cats , Birds , Endangered Species , Cows and the bestseller of the last two years Pigs .
3 The theme of public expenditure is obviously of great importance to the development of politics under the subsequent Tory government , and will be discussed more fully in the following chapter , but some comments at this stage are in order .
4 This is obviously of real help to a lot of people even if it does n't help everybody .
5 What is more , there is some evidence that clients expect it , too : if the creative people look too prosaic and orthodox , clients think that they will get prosaic and orthodox advertising , regardless of any evidence to the contrary .
6 If deconstruction in a purest sense is only of limited interest to a study which is asserting that texts emerge out of a particular culture called the English Renaissance , it is also true that , fortunately , there is little pure deconstruction about .
7 It is seen that the programme was only of small benefit to the people of Bangladesh , owing to its inability to cope with the conditions of this developing country .
8 Official documents and those concerned with the lease , sale and transfer of land and other property , survive in considerable numbers from medieval times , but these are usually only of much interest to the topographer and county historian .
9 These people seem to forget that results do not mean a thing in football and are only of secondary interest to a manager .
10 It was not without significance to the WEA ( and presumably of similar importance to the Cambridge Board and its secretary , G. F. Hickson ) that the Eastern District already had thirteen of its twenty-five Tutorial Classes in that county : several reflecting the combined efforts of Miss Green and Helen Stocks .
11 The story of this episode in the industrial life of the country , of its police and courts , and of the many side issues involved , is far too complicated and lengthy for fuller treatment in an essay of this kind , but it is a story nevertheless of immense importance to the tradition of the freedom to protest and of other freedoms .
12 The rulers of the Regno were thus of prime interest to the popes .
13 The critical factor in the ‘ many sided problem ’ was felt to be the question of ‘ Rights and Duties within the State ’ , and their relation to the wider issues arising out of an increasingly democratic society , notably that of the ‘ sectional interest ’ of the labour movement , which was always of profound concern to the New Liberals who regarded it as undermining political stability and social harmony .
14 He had been elected an Honorary Fellow in 1850 , and it is clear that Hope 's wealth and position were still of sufficient value to the profession that he became the only amateur , apart from Grey , to be the Institute 's President .
15 A consideration of the form and effectiveness of this response falls outside the scope of this book , but is should be emphasised that the international context in which large companies operate is also of central importance to the control of companies domestically .
16 Apart from historical interest , Geireann is also of great interest to the angler , offering the best of all worlds .
17 Back on Praslin we spent half a day in the reserve of Valle/1e de Mai , which is probably of more interest to a botanist .
18 This opportunity to question suspects in custody was clearly of crucial importance to the police .
19 Thus the First World War was clearly of particular importance to the origins of British fascism for both its political and cultural roots .
20 Clearly , the issue of injecting , important as it was prior to the arrival of HIV infection , because of the risks of hepatitis and other disorders , is now of paramount importance to the whole international community .
21 This has led a number of commentators to argue that the unemployment trap is now of little importance to the real world .
22 And that is one of the reasons why , in contemporary Britain , the " fringe benefits " which attach to a job , which are paid in kind rather than money , e.g. the use of a company car , are often of greater concern to the recipient than the precise quantity of the money wage .
23 practically , the liability is not often of much value to the injured person , for the infant probably has no property available to satisfy it , and his parents are not liable for his acts .
24 Notwithstanding this provision , it is often of some reassurance to a purchaser from the husband if the wife is joined as a party to the contract or to a separate consent to sale form ; this confirms that she knows that vacant possession is to be given and the land charge is to be cancelled and can contain a specific release by the wife of her rights in the property as from the date of sale .
25 Standard techniques may be used to make broad comparisons between groups of individuals but the statistical analysis of changes over time and interrelationships between events , topics often of special interest to the psychologist , is much less well understood .
26 But these issues , which so often seem to dominate the debate in Scotland at party political level , are frankly of little moment to the electorate at large .
27 But Basic Design did deal , if obsessively and in the end mechanistically , with the nature of form and the reality of the work itself , and although Basil 's emphasis upon observation was developmentally of great value to the pre-secondary school child where a formal language pre-existed , with the older child it could deteriorate into imitation and realism , and even that deadliest of English diseases , literalism .
28 It is these horizontal economies of scale that are sometimes of key benefit to the purchaser .
29 We think the project is very practicable and potentially of great benefit to the community ; the re-cycling of the bridge adds a feature of significant historical interest .
30 In these circumstances soil erosion is potentially of utmost importance to the livelihood of these vulnerable people , even if it is not happening at present .
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