Example sentences of "[adv] the [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With a full house of 185 at last Tuesday 's event in Edinburgh University , part-funded by Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise , it is arguably the first held by the IoD , that predominantly male organisation , where the overwhelming majority was female .
2 Its mood of self-confident chauvinism galvanized the nation , however little the British knew of the culture , economy , history , or even postage stamps of the distant Falklands and its population of just 1,200 sheep-farmers and their dependants .
3 In the shadow of that history there is all the more to appreciate about the way progressive movements in our time have turned things around , and begun positively to identify the difference of the other : ‘ the emphasis on discontinuity , the celebration of difference and heterogeneity , and the assertion of plurality as opposed to reductive unities — these ideas have animated almost an entire generation of literary and cultural critics ’ ( Mohanty , ‘ Us and Them ’ , 56 — 7 ) .
4 Indeed , his increased persistence of late may even be my employer 's way of urging me all the more to respond in a like-minded spirit .
5 So the Irish went for the next best thing , consultative status , getting a toe in the door .
6 Much the same goes for the prints and poems in the exhibition book .
7 Much the same goes for the autobiography , which was completed in 1991 .
8 Much the same goes for the British Museum .
9 Much the same went for the witnesses .
10 Much the same happened to the famous monastery Mihai Voda , which was moved , minus some outbuildings , behind the neo-Babylonian blocks along the Boulevard of the Victory of Socialism , so that the inhabitants of the Palace of the Republic would not have their view disturbed by it .
11 Much the same happened in a general cultural sense , with Faroe becoming even more independent and determined to maintain its old customs .
12 Thirteen parties fielded candidates , but only the eight represented in the outgoing parliament secured the minimum 2 per cent of the vote required for representation .
13 Only the three sent to the office match . ’
14 Thus the two radiates in a well filling had a serious effect on the dating of fourth century wares for two or three decades .
15 Exactly the same applies to the average propensity to save which is equal to total saving divided by total disposal income ( S/Y d ) .
16 Exactly the same occurred with the coming of cultivation and the loss of the primal mother .
17 Stance for the lunge punch : this stance is usually the first taught to the new student .
18 If you stand on a hill in winter when there is a thaw or look down from a motorway , especially in the Midlands , you can hardly miss the pattern of long parallel bands of snow , which are always the last to go from the hollows of the old ridge and furrow .
19 But all at once the light-hearted feel to the conversation had flown .
20 The capacity to recircuit neurophysiologically the ongoing experiencing of the senses in such a way that the subject becomes ‘ aware ’ of its situation through introspection of this analogue .
21 Thomas Deloney , reckoned to be England 's first novelist , mentions dastardly goings-on there in the late 1500s , so the Ostrich has the distinction of being one of the half a dozen claimants to the title of oldest inn in England , and is also the first mentioned in an English novel .
22 However , Foley 's mill was probably the first erected in the midlands , and may have been of a new design .
23 IT IS said that the marketing and advertising course is now the hardest to enter in the University of Ulster , requiring ‘ A ’ -level grades that would have sent my generation scurrying off with aspirations of entering Oxford or Cambridge and a career in the fast track of the Civil Service .
24 It is salutary to recall that , as Europe 's main offshore islands , the British Isles were historically often the last to benefit from the diffusion of innovative ideas in Europe .
25 It was a shade below even the 1.6 recorded during the ill-omened year 1966 — on the ancient Chinese calendar , the Year of the Fire-Horse .
26 They had a cup of tea , then chatted for a while longer while Belinda made the kedgeree and Mr Jones washed the dishes , then the latter said with a grimace , ‘ I 've got to go now too , love .
27 ‘ However , although the leader 's style is theoretically the easiest to alter in the short term , there are often long-term benefits to be achieved from re-defining the task ( eg. job enlargement ) or from developing the work group . ’
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