Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 No I I 'd suggest perhaps a couple of categories of non-verbal communication .
2 The Northern Ireland v Republic match on November 17 is a guaranteed sell-out and the ‘ Latvia promotion ’ was obviously a success in terms of a boost in gate receipts .
3 So a number of theories of perception erm came on to the market as a response to the work of people like in the fifties and towards the end of the fifties we started to get theories of perception which were based on feature detectors .
4 With no food and only a couple of bottles of Lucozade in the car , she knew that if the delay lasted much longer , her blood glucose could fall to such a dangerously low level , that she risked slipping into a diabetic coma .
5 The fact that the Ceauşescus had countless colour televisions added to the perverse aspect of their superabundance since ordinary Romanians had to put up with only a couple of hours of black-and-white television each day — and that largely devoted to the doings of the residents of the Palaţul Primaverii .
6 ‘ In some cases managers are stuck in the middle of supporters with only a couple of inches of space between them , ’ said chief executive John Camkin .
7 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
8 It took only a couple of sessions of counselling ( and production of documentary evidence ! ) to persuade Clive that a decline in frequency of intercourse following early days of marriage is normal , that the frequency of intercourse between him and Maureen was about the " national average " and that he had been misled about both this and his own physical normality .
9 He tried to help her : ‘ They did n't find much ; only a couple of volumes of somebody 's journal — ’
10 I have never shared the wild enthusiasm for anything ‘ single-bit ’ with which its arrival was greeted in some quarters ; indeed there are still only a handful of players of that ilk which I would contemplate as replacements for a good multi-bit machine , but this is one of them .
11 Firstly , although some of the schemes were designed for staff right across further education , they were attracting only a handful of teachers of vocational subjects , while the remaining schemes did not take their needs into account at all .
12 Although the overall levels of recall in this study are relatively uninformative because the subjects knew that there would be subsequent memory questions , the dissociation between fixation and recall strengthens Summala and Hietamiki 's claim that low levels of recall are not necessarily a result of failures of perception .
13 One immediate response to the CEGB 's announcement was the formation of the Alliance Against Hinkley C. This brought together a mixture of Friends of the Earth supporters from Bristol — only some twenty-five miles north of Hinkley — and others who had been active in the Somerset anti-waste-dumping campaign of the 1970s .
14 Rosenthal ( 1983 ) draws together a number of criticisms of the argument which can be listed as follows .
15 In the broadest terms , it has been concerned with one aspect of youth history : how and why , and with what consequences for age relations , middle-class reformers put together a number of images of working-class adolescents .
16 The shift of Amis 's mind , thoughtful and unphilosophical as it is , has been broadly a pattern to others of his age .
17 Similarly , if you want to change the diet from juicy brown canned food to into a dry complete diet , start by mixing just a couple of pieces of dried food in with the juicy stuff , gradually increasing the proportion each day until you reach the desired menu .
18 Although , as he points out , ‘ it really is n't new at all , just a return to traditions of healing that have been accepted for millenniums ’ .
19 We also note that [ F , R ] 3 causes the 3-cycle of edges to vanish and leaves just a pair of 2-cycles of corners .
20 Could she give us just a handful of examples of people who were moved from geriatric beds into the private sector in the early stages of the development of the policy and were given the assurance that she says was publicly given that the Government had no intention of meeting fees , however high ?
21 Morgan 's work is divided into four parts : [ 1 ] The growth of intelligence through inventions and discoveries , which deals in great part with agricultural technology ; [ 2 ] the growth of the idea of government , which is mainly a discussion of descent groups and how they ultimately give way to state organization , particularly the Roman state ; [ 3 ] the growth of the idea of the family , largely a discussion of types of marriage and types of kinship terminology ; and finally [ 4 ] the growth of the idea of property .
22 The aggressive , destructive behaviour that is often seen in hyperkinetics usually develops later than the other symptoms , and may be largely a response to feelings of frustration that stem from the other symptoms .
23 Before , Anderson has attached some seriousness to the question of " bad manners " , telling Hollar that " the history of human calumny is largely a series of breaches of good manners " .
24 The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors .
25 Sadly , I 'm a bit of a pessimist & I think MUFC will win in Turkey … still a couple of weeks of good terrace chants on this one no doubt ! !
26 This was over 500 fewer opioid users than was found during the previous year 's survey of ten agencies , and there is still a reduction in numbers of 375 if we compare the figures obtained from the five agencies contacted in both surveys .
27 There were still a number of examples of parallel boilered Scots in service at that time , and someone suggested that it was one of these engines fitted with experimental types of chimney and smoke deflectors .
28 ‘ There 's hardly a couple of inches of fat left on me . ’
29 Most records are of single birds , but up to five have been recorded in one area at the same time and there is possibly a tendency for groups of up to four to appear more often .
30 What was once a landscape of banks of back-to-backs has become an asymmetrical mess of flats and maisonettes .
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