Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I find this very difficult to erm , to relate , to relate hard work to the women portraying in , in this , we 've got the postcard of that one , erm it must of been hard work and very tedious , but I think every now and then the moment breaks away and shines through at the back , and I think people like , like Gaugin erm captures those moments and then releases them on the canvass , and I hope that erm by , I hope I 've been able to show you how I use art as a voice erm and a friend as my own work , even though we 've maybe had to do such a sort of hand fist way , hand fisted way , erm , but , I , I 've recently started to re-visit old favourite of paintings and I found that the story they tell sometimes has changed dramatically , maybe sometimes when your very little that , that , you know , sometimes dramatically as well , erm , but I , mostly , most importantly its , its still , I still find them , all of them compelling and challenging and , and something to stride for in my own work , erm , er only time will tell so I 'll finish with the , the last poem which is erm comes from the postcard what 's going round which is harvest , its called Patterns In The Grass , Wheat cut and falls , making lion head patterns in the grass , sickle shaped women bend and bow as a naive dressed as a dog steals the evening meal .
2 The bull lifts its head a little and gazes up at the Admiralty for some moments .
3 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
4 And it goes out in a blaze of colour — a spectacular firework display which starts at 6.45pm and goes on into the night .
5 A spiritual movement of independence gathers force underground and comes out into the open , using doubt as its prime organ of propaganda .
6 Draws near and flops down on the seat .
7 In the end , of course , the theory is that the bird gets used to the food being there and comes back at the wag of a finger .
8 If the alarm gets no response , the timer goes ahead and switches off in the interest of safety and economy .
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