Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 An interlinked ethnic tribe , they founded settlements that stretched from the Isles of Arran to Asia Minor ; and between 600BC and 600AD they virtually ran the show on the continent of Europe .
2 Erm a lot of employers are looking at self funding because the m They can manage their own money and it 's much more efficient to do so and then they also have a lot more control over the management of the claims themselves because they select their own management corporation .
3 You get a staff of women together and then they either get married or they leave you " .
4 So , your defenders could play crap individually and yet you still manage to ‘ scum ’ a good result .
5 It was n't a very full list cos erm er it did n't occur to me until about seven o'clock this evening that I had to go out quite soon and then I just ran around frantically doing things .
6 One person does n't wan na lose and the other one wants to win and is going to go backwards and forwards you just end up pushing and pushing and pushing against each other , pointless .
7 I build to it during the lost-in-the-wood speech and then it starts a bit uncertainly and then they really get it and it hits the show like a trumpet solo .
8 But the weather had darkened a little and so he quickly pressed on , anxious to get the city as far behind him as possible .
9 She watched him nervously and then he casually stretched up and removed his damp shirt so that it took all her powers , her resolutions , to appear composed in sight of his taut , powerful torso .
10 Right and then he probably ring Roy and Yeah
11 Competition , the price of alternatives etcetera and then you only have to look in any travel agent 's window to see that that 's an important factor today .
12 I think it 's often because people are always and then it always gets put to the bottom of the pile .
13 Any suggestions on where to get the book book because now once again the Dillons I 'll be getting my plane ticket ready to go home and then I also wrote a cheque with this one , one book store out at er erm , I forget the name of it , but it 's out at er Finchley Road , it 's supposed to specialize in
14 Yeah they are like and like they just do n't grow up until the time
15 and then through a friend who was working at , got a job ; most of my work actually involves working with computers , it 's only now and again I actually get to go away and actually do some recording , which I
16 No every now and again it just lets you down .
17 And every now and again he probably gets a shade nervous at keeping cash under the floor-boards or wherever he puts it , and starts spreading the load . ’
18 Dear Catriona I could guess you probably worked this out a long time ago but I might as well get it over with once and for all and I finally managed to summon up the courage to do so , A S A , a secret admirer , no longer exists , he no longer admires secret or otherwise and has n't existed for almost a year now and again you probably know who he is but I might as well tell you it 's me Johnny the eleven year old , now fourteen , you met at Christmas ninety and boy do I feel stupid .
19 See , and I 've helped Kenny out and a few the lads before and like we always finish it that 's why I come this cellar Barry .
20 They were saying about they keep asking her because she could be like page three models in the newspaper , she was like very even this really and then she just said I keep on going toilet and she 'd , she 'd then puke up in the toilet and she 'd come back and there were all these bite marks so her parents could see when she was doing it .
21 it 'll go so far and then it just switches off
22 ‘ But he 's done well and hopefully he now sees it the same as we do and we will see him on the bench in our next league game . ’
23 Many of us are in here at seven o'clock in the morning because that is noon time over there and so we only have about half a day to work together .
24 and that 's the over there and now what else floats Kevin ?
25 You dump it in there and then you suddenly expect me to know where it all is and I do n't .
26 And erm it was erm like silky material so it looked really , it , it was n't chiffon it was erm no it was sort of satiny silky , it was n't real silk but it was like shiny stuff , and it sort of went in , in and it went a V down there and then it like flowed down and it was very short and because it was a si but it d it was n't tight , I mean it sort of clung , it showed her waist but it did n't , you know , it exaggerated her waist but it did n't like it did n't cling anywhere else really and it just looked quite , it was flowing and it was , it was really smart and it was , I , the sort of erm the material would be erm sort of almost like und er like my pyjamas that , it was that in black kind of halfy satiny silky stuff .
27 And then someone has a conversation with someone else and then someone else has a conversation with someone else and if a man was to walk right the way through the police station he has about five or six conversations , and by the time he gets to the other end of the police station he 's forgotten the first conversation .
28 The latter requirement means that component molecules of each species can interchange positions without altering the total energy of the system , i.e. and consequently it only remains for the entropy contribution ΔS M to be calculated .
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