Example sentences of "[adv] and [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But after an hour she had sewed enough and she felt a shift in the air .
2 Enough and it takes the pain away , too much and you feel dopey .
3 But one tyre specialist says the law does n't go far enough and he thinks the limit should be increased even further .
4 This seems to have sobered him somewhat and he became an assistant in A. W. H. Kolbe 's laboratory in Marburg , but his contract was not renewed .
5 If they get into a sweat and stop still too long the sweat will stop suddenly and they get a chill or a headache .
6 They lashed alongside and they lowered the stuff right onto the onto the coble To start with we rowed it ashore with a couple or oars or maybe four oars and took off the cattle and that the same way just .
7 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
8 That , perhaps and I change the name of the department , the er s marketing department , department , erm , one O two .
9 If we score got a chance and we had the chances to score first half , did n't take them obviously and we get the goal , right time , they went a bit nervous , and we went on did n't we — we could have won it .
10 They run about so and they make a lot of noise , you know how children do , and I 'm afraid Jarvis will get tired of it .
11 So and we got the benefit of the scenery roundabout .
12 well we went on a course , for a week up Newcastle and of course er erm we had to be there for nine o'clock so we had to catch the bus , at the latest half past eight so you 're up at you 're up at seven and you get showered and what have you cos there 's a shower in the be bedroom get yourself all ready so you 're down by about erm half seven , quarter to eight , like so you tend to think quarter of an hour to the erm bus stop which is right outside the door of the hotel we were getting so and we use the bus rather than take the car in daily , cos it 's easier so I and er and of course I sat down and had a breakfast and I thoroughly enjo , I did n't have any cereals you know , I says well er and I had a little bit of orange orange juice , but it was this erm made up orange juice
13 That 'll be alright so cos he slid his my brief case and er I got all the way home , no problem at all , I 'd got newspaper under the back , so it did n't scratch the back when I come to come down Mill Road this lorry 's go , I mean I got the tail gate up and er I sort of looked in the mirror , I thought oh my goodness my tail gate , I could hear it so and I braked a bit sharp and that slid down and scratched along the dash board !
14 It was five o'clock and they began the trek homeward .
15 No we were in bed but we , we , we go into a right about eight o'clock and we watched a video
16 They are the executive body , and the national assembly is the people of the Kuwait , and fifty members are directly elected by the people through the twenty constituencies which we have , and you have here the legislative body , in other words a parliament of fifty members and the government , and they sit together and they run the business of the country like any other parliament , and if you look to the television and see what happens in the House of Commons , it is exactly what happens in Kuwait .
17 In in fact it was n't long before it was n't long before Christmas was it we we actually got together and I wrote a memo that if there is anything erm before it leaves the plant , if the tractor driver or whatever e does n't like it and it 's not acceptable then it goes back to the plant .
18 I confided in him and we worked at it together and I found a way to have an orgasm .
19 Well you mix up er you mix up some colours , black and er and black and wh i stuff Bismarck brown which Mix them together and you make a colour to match up the rest and maybe bring in darker streaks and make a pat You know what I mean ?
20 Add to this that she was a vain woman with a streak of snobbery , but one who had made a friend of Alice Fernie ( who herself was unlikely to pick her friends haphazardly ) ; that she was a man-hunting , high-life-loving girl who had shown no desire to keep up her connection with her old stamping-grounds ; and finally , that she apparently received obscene letters with equanimity , merely folding them up and putting them away like love-letters sentimentally preserved ; add all these things together and you had a woman who was as incomprehensible as women traditionally are .
21 ITN 's political match-summariser says that ‘ individually the polls are all over the place , but put them all together and you get a message you can trust ’ — not a science graduate , presumably .
22 I also think it 's important that people have this sort of emotional side of it taught to them as well , you 're often taught like the straight , you know , the wee sperm and the wee egg come together and you get a baby , but you do n't , not taught about the emotional side of it a lot
23 Julie Owens , 30 , personnel assistant ( right ) : ‘ I 'd rather the skirt was a bit longer and I prefer a court shoe .
24 Well when we take the honey away and we get the wax left over we can make it into lumps .
25 I motion him away and he glides the car twenty yards forward and round the corner .
26 He moved away and I heard a murmur of protest as he trod on feet and pushed ribs to move back through the sightseers .
27 But the truly dominant , characterizing feature is the use of pronouns and the movement between them : take those away and you destroy the relationship out of which the poems derive .
28 We ‘ took ’ to one another right away and she had the patience to understand my own special version of Thai .
29 After a moment , she turned away and she heard the door close quietly behind him .
30 He looked away and she said the word for him , anticipating him without quite knowing how , as she so often did .
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