Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [pron] [is] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Consider the procedure and function names below and decide which is the easier to read .
2 My people at the PFA feel that until the League get together and show there is a practical job for me to do , they do n't see why they should let me go . ’
3 It was something you could see , you know , I mean a lot of the things I knew anyway and knowing them is a different problem from actually putting them right .
4 But an English ex-social worker has come forward after seeing her picture in TODAY and claimed she is a youngster he once counselled .
5 In years to come , when the new road has fallen into disuse and the plaque has been worn away by time , people may come here and wonder what is the hidden significance of the stones ; or maybe by then , they 'll have discovered that Stonehenge was built by some ancient farmer , commemmorating a new bypass .
6 I think I 'd better go backstage and see what 's the matter . ’
7 I run up the hill , seeing movement ahead and assuming it 's a bird or a rabbit or something , and almost run straight into a man .
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