Example sentences of "[adv] because [pron] be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because it was conveniently placed on the edge of the Old City closest to the modern , developed parts where the more well-to-do lived , there were surprisingly wealthy people in its congregation .
2 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
3 Schisgal was terrific , perhaps because he was so beaten into the ground by that time , I do n't know .
4 Those who draw up that plan should include — and not only because they are nominally represented on governing bodies — a wide range of community interests .
5 Perhaps only because we are both bound by her spells .
6 It was only because it was repeatedly interrupted that it did not become all-pervasive , and ultimately intolerable .
7 that was only because he was like transferred there I thought that
8 I think it especially because you are much esteemed , even by your political opponents , for your exceptional personal qualities . ’
9 ‘ It was obviously right to do so because I was never corrected . ’
10 The Taurus project , for instance , collapsed largely because it was repeatedly redesigned to please all the vested interests involved in settlement — many of whom quietly wanted Taurus to fail .
11 He said : ‘ I enjoyed the race immensely because I was better trained than I have been previously and , of course , it is always rewarding when you better your personal best .
12 She sternly reminded herself that she was n't going to fall in love with the wrong man again just because she was sexually attracted to him , and she was never going to get married again .
13 STAFF at a bank in Birmingham could n't open their safe yesterday because it was still set to stay shut on August 26 , last year 's Bank Holiday .
14 In college libraries they are less widespread , possibly partly because they are more limited in financial resources and possibly partly because they prefer more active orientation methods .
15 Moreover , not very many of their sculptural portraits have survived ( only a few over a hundred for the three centuries after Alexander ) , partly because they were often made of bronze which was readily melted down for re-use .
16 By degrees the British came to dominate this trade , partly because they were so committed to sugar that they were bound to make large purchases of slaves on their own account , partly because their increasingly dominant position at sea meant that they could take the place of the Dutch as general suppliers of slaves for planters in other European colonies who wanted to buy them .
17 Meanwhile , in place of his ideal he substituted ‘ rough trade ’ , favoured by other homosexuals of his class partly because it is easily discarded .
18 His promotion in 1644 to the important post of co-secretary to the new committee of both kingdoms may have been partly because he was already known to , and trusted by , its Scottish members , but also suggests more direct patronage .
19 People who ‘ do n't mind ’ about anything are people unused to giving an opinion , probably because they are rarely asked for one .
20 Conventional gestures are valuable not only because they often appear in the epics themselves , but also because they are universally recognised as a means of communication in real life and have been used on the stage since the earliest days of the theatre .
21 It is highly technical not just in the sense that it involves computer technology but also because it is totally based in the area of printing .
22 Plumber — more women are taking on what used to be traditionally male jobs , mainly because they are better paid .
23 In cells that are oscillating , the magnitude of this influx component through second messenger-operated channels is often rather small and has little effect on the intracellular level of calcium during the interval between spikes , mainly because it is rapidly sequestered by the internal stores .
24 The accession of the new king , William IV , in June 1830 brought some slight relief , mainly because it was widely believed that His Majesty favoured the destruction of machinery and the payment of 2 shillings a day to men of the labouring classes .
25 Such high frequencies can not travel far because they are rapidly absorbed by floorboards , undergrowth , or even by the air itself , particularly if it is foggy or misty .
26 I thought it was going to be one of those horrific accidents but it does n't seem like it now because he was brutally injured . ’
27 This , he says , is simply because it is well constructed in the manufacturing process , and quality always pays .
28 Two other factors are worth mentioning here because they are often given as reasons for dispersals that could not obviously be justified otherwise .
29 I know the argument well because I was once convinced by it .
30 And he added : ‘ I do believe the public has a right to know , not least because she is largely financed by the taxpayer . ’
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