Example sentences of "[adv] because [pron] [verb] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 But what I mean is , he did n't have that high an opinion of himself , just because he knew he could have any one of us for the asking .
2 I lay on my back and watched it for a second , then got up and ran after her as fast as I could , again just because I knew I could n't catch her .
3 Many garrisons had surrendered quickly because they knew they could rely on Saladin to keep his word to spare their lives .
4 Either because those in power simply underestimated the potential for resistance or simply because they believed they could in the end over-ride such resistance , industrial companies in conjunction with waste disposal firms ( and often in collusion with state health regulatory agencies ) dumped indiscriminately and with disregard for human health and life . ’
5 The number of women poets swelled through the century , not least because they learnt they could speak to one another in this way .
6 But the problem was n't even helped there because you see he could n't get up the stairs easily , because the wardrobe was in the way .
7 He chose to take up the issue precisely because he thought it could not possibly lead to war , in that neither the Tsar , nor the Sultan in whose Empire Jerusalem was , would see the issue as of such importance .
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