Example sentences of "[adv] come to [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The new government pledged itself to deal with a range of serious environmental problems affecting the country , the extent of many of which had only come to light after the collapse of communist rule .
2 By this time Steven was old enough to come to terms with the divorce , but Matthew still found it difficult .
3 But now , nearly thirty years later , when he thought he had long come to terms with the deed and his own reaction to it , memory had begun to stir again .
4 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
5 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
6 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
7 A grossly unstable patient from a referring hospital turns out to be a typical ( for us ) unstable angina ; a patient with life-threatening ventricular tachycardia can only come to Barts for the appropriate highly specialised medical or nursing therapy ( or one of the few other centres , most of which are also on the Tomlinson hit-list ) .
8 Some of us are more mentally productive before midday ; others only come to life in the second half of the day .
9 The direction only applies to evidence which a party " intends to place reliance on " and so can not apply to new evidence which only comes to light after the time for serving statements has passed .
10 Despite such claims , it is hard to avoid the conclusion that in both the USA and the UK , the audio-visual movement rarely came to grips with the need for an elaborated theory going beyond the use of audio-visual materials as decorative additions to the traditional lesson .
11 He confessed that he had finally come to terms with the fact that he was a homosexual , after a lifetime of denying it to himself .
12 We in the law , like other denizens of these blessed isles , have perforce come to terms with the disagreeable factor of inflation .
13 But since any arrangement would need the consent of Louis VII to be valid , he had somehow to come to terms with the French King — despite Toulouse , despite Auvergne , despite Becket .
14 She did n't mean to , but she finally came to terms with the lateness of the hour with a yawn ; it was already happening before she could stop it .
15 At the time , Lineker was just coming to terms with the fact that his baby son , George , was battling against leukaemia .
16 ONE OF two sprawling films ( Heimat being the other ) that marked Germany finally coming to terms with the war , relatively free of guilt .
17 The public and the teenage press were , in fact , already coming to terms with the punks , but these skins knew that no one could accept their brand of deliberate , mindless , gang violence .
18 The larger companies are already coming to terms with the new regulations .
19 A small number are able to manipulate the new situation because they are able to get credit , to establish good terms of trade with middlemen and to generally come to terms with the different conditions .
20 However , the parents of 12-year-old victim Tim Parry — hanging on to life by a thread in a Liverpool hospital yesterday came to terms with the fact that he is unlikely to survive .
21 So it was that the companies gradually came to terms with the increasing traffic and provided it with a further impetus .
22 But they , like the third Limerick club dominating the league — Young Munster — are only gradually coming to terms with the demands for 15-man attacking play .
23 Couples , second in the Sony rankings to Faldo , is still coming to terms with the adulation heaped on him after Augusta but is prepared to run the gauntlet again if it means winning a second Major .
24 The local community is still coming to terms with the loss of the Trident contract four months ago .
25 Today at an emergency meeting with Union Leaders to discuss their future , they were still coming to terms with the shock of redundancy .
26 Mrs Adams said her four sons — Richard , nine , Stuart , five , Mark , two , and Thomas , 11 months — were still coming to terms with the loss of their father , a former Royal Air Force engineer whom she described as a happy , family man .
27 Staff are still coming to terms with the decision to close the main part of the Junction factory within two years , making 100 workers redundant .
28 Now Giggs is quickly coming to terms with the facts of life .
29 He 'd gradually come to terms with the fairly obvious fact ( as most of his comrades already had ) that wartime associations were almost inevitably doomed to dissolution .
30 But the ideals of the purist must always come to grief in the devastating vortex of national politics .
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