Example sentences of "[adv] when [pron] [verb] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Dessie will still have to take it easy when he returns to his stable in Melton Mowbray , Leics .
2 O'Leary is in his first season at Saracens , and impressed England coach Dick Best when he scored on his debut for the London Divisional side against the Midlands earlier this month .
3 Nigel always worked best when he drew on his own life .
4 Outside when we look at his phone number it 's got ‘ 666 ’ on the tail end of it .
5 All of them want the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , to explain his forward thinking clearly when he gets to his feet in the Commons on 16 March .
6 All of them want the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , to explain his forward thinking clearly when he gets to his feet in the Commons on 16 March .
7 He segregates figures from their background normally , even when they appear on his left ( our first study ) , and even when their segregation depends on vertical symmetry ( our second study ) which requires that both the right and left sides of these figures are represented .
8 Strange , even when he looked at his eldest son , whom he knew to resemble her , he could not remember Mary 's face .
9 But that was a long time ago when he lived on his father 's stud farm in Ireland .
10 Barnbrook Again was unbeaten last season and there was something radically amiss when he fell on his reappearance at Kempton for which there has never been a satisfactory explanation .
11 It might not be important but it would be helpful to have you there when he talks to his parents .
12 Tranmere were restricted to the occasional breakaway which usually ended with an offside decision and Nixon came to their rescue again when he swooped to his right to hold Wright 's shot .
13 In 1090 the lord of Montpellier exploited it even more successfully when he rose against his lord , the bishop of Maguelonne ; worried by William 's defection , the bishop bribed him back into the episcopal mouvance by extending his fief .
14 The new shithouse clerk , a small , wiry Liverpudlian , was taking his new appointment very seriously when I arrived at his canvasstructured place of work .
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