Example sentences of "[adv] so [adj] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jean 's black curly hair Hew out as they swung round and her cheeks , always so ripe that they looked as though they would bleed at the touch of a straw , reddened more richly than ever .
2 Those were ever so nice that they got were n't they ?
3 ‘ Some hoped to be saved by going ; others did n't care if they were damned so long as they found new fields for profit and adventure .
4 They were both so angry that they did not immediately see the movement that came from the old female 's shelter in the cage between them .
5 Viewed from close up he showed absolutely no sign of being controlled by an extraterrestrial intelligence.The guys from Tellenor were probably so good that they had over-reached themselves and programmed free will into him .
6 Britain 's problems were now so acute that they posed a threat to American interests and the free world 's financial system .
7 But the impediments are often so subtle that they fall foul of no law .
8 These are often so important that they require the marketer to find direct means of dealing with them , so as to minimise their effect on the satisfaction of consumer demand .
9 The mass media and the financial institutions encourage maximum consumption of goods which are often so manufactured that they have a very limited life .
10 This new centralism was in part because the Thatcher government perceived these institutions as potentially so damaging that they needed the maximum of intervention to suppress them .
11 For pregnant women , or those who have just had babies , the pressures are sometimes so great that they become mentally disturbed .
12 They grow in clusters in woods and gardens and there are sometimes so many that they look like one huge blue carpet .
13 Children employed by such as William Douglas at his cotton mill in Salford were often taken from the workhouse at six or seven years old and worked for long hours , and were sometimes so ill-treated that they committed suicide .
14 ‘ But clever though the cruel invaders were , they were not quite so clever as they believed .
15 The shield may not have proved quite so strong as they had expected , and in more recent times it has been supported by offensive weapons , such as inspections or investigations instigated by the Department of Trade and Industry .
16 The walls were no longer quite so solid as they had seemed , and each white-suited attendant seemed to conceal an assassin dressed in black .
17 ‘ What people are concerned about is that , if they train certifieds or AATs , they do n't have to cope with the bureaucracy , they do n't have to be formal training offices and so they do n't have to be quite so concerned that they have to provide the right sort of additional courses for people to attend to back up their exams .
18 By night the bars can get quite lively , although not quite so wild as they get during the winter months when the skiers reenact their greatest runs .
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