Example sentences of "[adv] go [adv prt] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I sold three and one of the reasons why and I think we got tremendous opportunity to develop an enormous part by just going in and speaking to people to explain to and they can relate to write lots and lots of and you can get a good grip we wo n't do it overnight , it is something you have got to develop .
2 ‘ All right , all right , no more life-stories please , just go up and speak to Tommy then , ’ Mrs Trotter said , sharply .
3 She tried to decide whether she should swallow her pride and tell John how she felt or whether to just go on and hope for the best .
4 I would just go up and speak to anybody , including the leaders , as if they were equals .
5 I 'll just go up and see to her .
6 Well you have to go through all this rigmarole of paperwork , you ca n't just go in and hand over your book and say please can I have five pounds now then I want to go and buy a book or something .
7 All these questions become acute , and unless we have a clear understanding of what is at stake we may quickly go under and revert to the low expectations for church life that have perhaps characterised our previous experience .
8 You can bring some variety and social contact into your life by simply going out and talking to people .
9 If you talk about believing the Bible to be true and then go out and pick on someone who you do n't get on with , your friends may remind you that the Bible has something to say about Christians loving their enemies !
10 Four tall girls removed all the books , then went out and returned with trays which were handed round .
11 ‘ People made me feel so welcome that I will undoubtedly go back and live in the North-East .
12 I intended to sub-contract it to one of my former students , a very , very skilful young man who had been with us on a fee-paying course for one year and then gone off and worked in a local workshop for another 18 months .
13 What we are endeavouring to and the company has not as yet went out and dispersed of apprentices willy-nilly .
14 You either go on and sing with Therese , the way it has been rehearsed , or you do not go on my stage , at all , not tonight , not any night . ’
15 Because — no harm in saying it once again — this is the essence of the private-eye novel : that its hero actively goes out and grabs to himself the facts that he needs .
16 but here we , we never go up and go in the general by the
17 If you actually go in and look at the prices cos the other is the only one I 'm gon na get , it was only ten pounds , only one at the bottom and this shirt white shirt is only five pounds .
18 ‘ My feeling is that we should never go out and try to be Queen again , ’ said Brian , above , speaking on the anniversary of Mercury 's death .
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