Example sentences of "[adv] go [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If she 'd been staying on the boat for any length of time it would have been necessary to find somewhere to go for a shower or a bath , but it did n't look as if that particular problem would arise .
2 Nevertheless , some research-orientated academics feel strongly enough to go against the grain and form a sort of elitist under ground for their best students .
3 All you need for each one is a piece of knitting beginning with a hem at the wrist , wide enough to go round the hand and long enough to reach easily to the base of the fingers .
4 Nearly every farmer had a barrel of the stuff in his cow house in those days and I had only to go into the corner and turn the tap .
5 Er where you 've got a note that obviously goes over a beat as in that one there
6 He only goes to the shops and back on it .
7 I mean I 'm , I 'm , I 'm only going on the fact that I I tend to do everything on the cheap so I tend to get if I can find somebody who does photocopying I can do it then we 'll do it .
8 rushing round inside of the literally going round the worlds and then down and then .
9 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
10 he only went about a week and then he closed .
11 He turned up at the dance studio in a pair of very skimpy tight shorts and observing that everyone else was very white and wore towelling track suits , and seeing that he was very tall and very naked , got nervous so went for a walk and smoked a joint .
12 You only go into the flats if you 're visiting someone or if you live there , so there 's no , there 's none of that hustle and bustle that you get on a , on a regular street .
13 We only go to the pictures but there 's a scene to face every time when she goes home .
14 ‘ He 'd better go to the zoo and live with the animals .
15 Then Clare took her by the elbow and led her along the path which suddenly went through a gate and stopped .
16 Among the few Standish neighbours on the row is Eric , long gone from the closet and married to Stevie , a he-man former semi-film-star , whom he eventually stabs .
17 I 'd always understood that land should only go into the greenbelt if it was necessary to be kept permanently open , by reason of it performing one of the five purposes .
18 They can all go in the hall and then that 'll leave me free to go out first like I should do .
19 Mark 's smile did not reveal that Faustina naturally went on the beds as well as in the lounge .
20 Well I mean the most of them will obviously go to the cash and er to the er supermarkets and pick it up .
21 I want to get one thing straight before this conversation finally goes down the drain and before he orders liqueurs . ’
22 On a slow day , Quigley just goes through the newspapers and rambles on about whatever comes into his brain .
23 One hundred and eighteen for three , which means thirty-nine runs added in the first hour today and it 's Tufnell coming up now to bowl , DaSilva , up he comes , bowls this one , DaSilva pushes forward and it just goes under the bat and fielded there by the wicketkeeper , no run .
24 And I 'm just , I 'm , I 'm just going through the thing and writing out different points for each thing .
25 you know , cos we were all single I think all of us were and we were just going for a joke cos seriously it 's just a cattle market at you know you do n't talk to people well you do but it 's just a laugh .
26 I remember driving down to Leith on that Friday night , and just going for a walk and thinking that the next time the sun came up I would be playing at Murrayfield .
27 Right come the morning arrived and and somebody else I ca n't remember who though , and there we were all ready to go and were walking with the press into the massive great shed where they roll the paper and make it a massive place the size of a couple of football pitches , we were just going in the door and somebody said to me they 're no gon na be using their flash guns are they ?
28 We were just deprived of doing what we do — just going in the studio and making records .
29 But when you 've got a full field to harvest at least you 're getting something but when you 're just going around the edges and picking the bits that are left behind that is a hard job you 're spending as long but you 're not getting as much .
30 The world which He had made was no longer going in the way that He wanted .
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