Example sentences of "[adv] say [that] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But this conclusion is not particularly illuminating as it merely says that children come into local authority care when no one else can care for them , a repetitive statement we call a tautology .
2 Suzanne Gibson , now when Marianne just said that women need to be aware of their own power , there was quite an interesting smile that came over your face there .
3 Could I just say that readings taken in this adapted way are called decibels A-weighted , which is a bit sort of technical and silly , but it 's kind of important if you 're measuring the sort of sound that people listen to .
4 They always say that families argue at Christmas — mine do n't much — it 's more me , I think !
5 The law still says that men accused of rape can be bailed unless they have a severe psycopathic or psychiatric disorder .
6 ‘ Oscar Wilde once said that children begin by loving their parents ; after a time they judge them ; rarely , if ever , do they forgive them .
7 The West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List allocates him a reign of three years , with one variant reading of two , but Bede also says that Caedwalla reigned for two years before his abdication in 688 ( HE IV , 12 : V , 7 ) ( see also above , p. 51 ) .
8 It is also said that Hinduism believes in an impersonal rather than a personal Deity .
9 It also said that solicitors employed by large companies should not be allowed to appear in higher courts because the fact that they were employed might stop them from showing impartiality and detachment .
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