Example sentences of "[adv] as i [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
2 I share the hon. Gentleman 's views in the context of the six-week-old baby , just as I do in the context of the children in the school playground who were under threat this morning when the attack was made on the taxi driver .
3 I had hoped to slip in unnoticed but , almost as soon as I booked in the hotel , I was isolated by a dusk to dawn curfew .
4 And as soon as I settled in the rue Victorie , I discovered I was very useful indeed .
5 I feel a victim as soon as I arrive in the salon .
6 But even as I engaged in the ritual unarmed combat with Springsteen ( well , I was unarmed ) over possession of the duvet , I had a nasty feeling that I was n't taking this whole thing seriously enough .
7 I can tell you , Donald , it was a very unpleasant experience , particularly as I fainted in the street just as the thief disappeared .
8 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
9 Then as I hovered in an agony of uncertainty I noticed that the salivation was diminishing ; she was able to swallow .
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