Example sentences of "[adv] as [pron] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 But we can not explain why this is always objectionable , so long as we remain on the plane of justice as I have defined it .
2 The book is based on the year that Mackay spent in London in 1887–1888 and describes events of that Jubilee Year , especially as they touched on the lives of the socialist and anarchist German exiles there .
3 This suggests that the foreign exchange markets are now more sensitive to actual and prospective interest rate developments , especially as they impact on the key reserve currencies .
4 He took the Canal Turn as fluently as he had on the first circuit , then swept towards Valentine 's Brook .
5 It was only as I rapped on the open door of his office that I realized the plan was upside down .
6 Look out too for Chardonnays from elsewhere as they come on the market — for instance from Chile .
7 Bodily discomfort , added to the anger that still bubbled unpleasantly inside him , had the effect of clarifying his mind , just as it had on the day of the press conference .
8 The animal is knitted as a single motif just as it appears on the graph .
9 He breathed the name against her cheek , just as he had on the night of the party .
10 She flushed guiltily as she put on the kettle .
11 She glanced downwards , just exactly as she had on the day I 'd come for the room .
12 He looked exactly as he had on the day of their last meeting , the day of his departure to the United States : calm yet concerned , sensitive yet restrained , the perfect model of the thinking politician .
13 Tucked in battle-dress pocket , gas-mask holder or factory overall , they created a link between the civilian and military worlds , and in the years of rationed poetry and imaginative confinement , it is no surprise that they sold out as soon as they appeared on the bookstalls . ’
14 It was estimated that families in Easthall were paying £1 million between them each year heating the sky above Glasgow because as soon as they turned on the heat , it went straight out their windows and walls .
15 It is clearly inappropriate to involve Julie in a prolonged conversation as soon as she arrives on the ward .
16 The male oriental fruit moth employs greater subterfuge by producing a scent similar to the female 's as soon as he arrives on the scene .
17 I imagine you have to secure one of these as soon as it comes on the market . ’
18 As soon as I came on the pitch the Rovers defenders were trying to push me inside .
19 There were a few anxious moments , but as soon as I pulled on the glove she came straight at me , low and very fast indeed , much swifter of course than she could have done if she had still been carrying the equipment .
20 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
21 Dauntless watched Cleo carefully as she sat on the rugs beside the dog , stroking its short , dense fur .
22 They remembered this two hours later as they stood on the meadow in front of the big house at Fortingall , waiting for a crowd to gather .
23 Two days later as she sat on the beach , staring glumly out over the ocean , Laura knew that she could n't fool herself any longer .
24 Exactly how much less is impossible to state accurately as it depends on the rate of rainfall and consequent flows in different parts of the catchment , as well as on the water levels in the dams .
25 The aims of these two movements , in so far as they touched on the rites of death , were sharply dissimilar : the Evangelicals aimed further to sanctify death as the gateway to immortality ; the Benthamites wished to demystify death in order to concentrate on the material means of increasing human happiness on earth .
26 Over the past few years , part of the Left in Britain has moved into a more considered view as to the limits of elements of the British constitution , at the same time as it has become increasingly alive to the merits of elements of that same constitution — especially in so far as they bear on the issues of democracy , the sovereignty of Parliament and the people , and civil liberties .
27 They rarely study natural events , and only in so far as they impinge on the human world .
28 ( 4 ) A covenant by the lessee for the repair of the premises is of no effect so far as it relates to the matters mentioned in subsection ( l ) ( a ) to ( c ) , except so far as it imposes on the lessee any of the requirements mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) ( a ) or ( c ) .
29 Le Monde of June 9-10 estimated that in the 50 major , policy-determining laws of the 270 passed during Rocard 's term as Prime Minister , Rocard had relied on the support of the right and centre nearly three times as often as he relied on the PCF .
30 Advantages : The grill is well positioned in one corner of the roof of the oven and browns food evenly as it turns on the turntable — excellent for cooking dishes such as lasagne and cauliflower cheese .
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