Example sentences of "[adv] that he [vb mod] make a " in BNC.

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1 Jackie goes upstairs to phone her husband at work , so that he might make a trip to the shops before visiting hour .
2 He half hoped she would give him one of them by mistake so that he could make a scene , but she did n't .
3 He did this with very little effort , and I gave him small wooden cubes so that he could make a cube to keep .
4 An Ammunition Technical Officer ( ATO ) donning his equipment on the site of a suspected Improvised explosive Device ( IED ) — Army terminology for a terrorist bomb — so that he can make a close inspection of the device if necessary
5 Agnew knows that he has to prove to manager Kenny Dalglish not only that he can make a comeback but also that he can do his stuff at the highest level .
6 There was serious talk in Hong Kong yesterday that he would make an excellent governor of the colony .
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