Example sentences of "[adv] that it [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly there appears to be some sense in restricting any changes in the law of incest so that it continues to be an offence for a parent or grandparent to have sexual relations with a child aged 16 or 17 , because children of that age are often dependent and living at home , and so the conditions for exploitation are still present at that age .
2 The captain of the Serapis had meanwhile nailed his Red Ensign to its staff , so that it had to be torn down , when , around 10.30 pm , the English vessel , with five feet [ 1.5 m ] of water in its hold , its holed topsides open to the moonlight , and its rigging and sails almost cut away by gunfire , was forced to surrender .
3 As the excluded social forces grew in political strength , so they pressed in on the established constitution in ways which eventually caused it to buckle so that it came to be more in line with their views as to how things should be .
4 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
5 Two years later Mr X releases all rights in connection with the property so that it ceases to be property subject to reservation and the relevant period begins to run .
6 At the apex of the jaw the ventralmost tooth may be superficial , separating , the infradental papillae so that it appears to be an apical papilla ; in other specimens the infradental papillae lie closer together ; they are followed on each side by two block-like oral papillae .
7 The writer discovered or was introduced to Robinson Crusoe too early , so that it appeared to be a tedious book ; Mervyn Peake 's Gormenghast trilogy appeared a little too late , so that he accepted it with a little less excitement than it deserved ; and Proust 's Remembrance of things past came at the right moment when he had the tenacity for the task .
8 Around it Willie had added rain so that it appeared to be flying against a great wind .
9 " The custom of disguising reality so that it appeared to be perfect " had long been the tactic of the Franco regime .
10 This is not to say that the product is inferior , indeed many desktop publishing systems can do things that no typesetting equipment ever could , merely that it has to be recognised that the technology has its place .
11 ‘ Damian knew right away that it had to be Japan or nothing .
12 ( It is significant that it could not be called ‘ Christ ’ but had to be given another name ; moreover that it had to be explained what this was , whereas a man on the cross would have required no explanation . )
13 He recognised that some understanding is given directly by God , but also that it has to be appropriated by human beings using their reason .
14 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
15 The door was smashed in so often that it had to be bricked up .
16 Prisoners passed through the place so fast that it ceased to be a camp in the true sense altogether .
17 If people are made aware of the risks and volunteer , then that 's seems to be their own free choice , and if that is what they wish to do , then that it seen to be a perfectly fair about going of course it would be completely immoral to test a drug on somebody who was n't aware of what was going on .
18 ‘ Staff are told it has to be user-led and then that it has to be rationed and controlled ’ .
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