Example sentences of "[adv] that he [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 As many audiences and record collectors already know , he took lessons in conducting so that he might perform the work himself , and since his first concert in New York 's Lincoln Center , he has been invited to perform it with 20 orchestras around the world ( he will be conducting the Philharmonia Orchestra at the Royal Festival Hall , London in November ) .
2 Then she was giving him her mouth again so that he might swallow the choked cries of pleasure rising from her throat as the frenzy claimed her once more , and a little later she was thrashing against him , pleading hoarsely for his possession , until Luke held her down and sank into her with a harsh groan .
3 Yet when he made to take a line of stones he had surrounded from the board , the boy placed his hand over Tuan 's , stopping him , lifting his hand so that he might study the position , his face creased into a frown , as if trying to take in what he had done wrong .
4 This ritual restored to the mummy all his faculties so that he might enjoy the afterlife to the full .
5 Be that as it may , Pigafetta 's diaries of the journey remain the classic source for all future accounts of the voyage : he had joined the ships , he said , because he was ‘ desirous of sailing with the expedition so that he might see the wonders of the world ’ .
6 In order to drive home the point that the messianic Spirit , the Spirit of the days of salvation , was really available to all believers , the Spirit had first of all to inspire Peter with his vision of the unclean animals in the sheet which were intended for him to eat , and then to apply that vision to a Gentile officer whose men were at that very moment waiting in the courtyard for Peter to accompany them to Cornelius so that he might receive the good news of Jesus .
7 I should be grateful if you would advise your counsel of the Crown Prosecution Service 's position so that he might appraise the court if necessary …
8 The other sister , Mary , was four years younger than Eleanor , and Froissart tells the story that Thomas took responsibility for educating Mary in the hope of persuading her to go into a nunnery , so that he would receive the entire Bohun inheritance .
9 Joyce was given to describing such events so that he should seem the hero — even the wounded hero — of a hair-breadth escape .
10 If the husband is prepared to remain liable under the mortgage he should remain a trustee of the legal estate ( which could stand in the names of the husband , the wife and new husband ) so that he will know the state of the mortgage account and so that a further advance or a second charge can not be created without his consent .
11 They stayed there for a quarter of an hour , the only movement being the driver slowly inching his little finger up so that he could lock the door .
12 The observer , equipped with a cassette tape-recorder , earphone and coding sheets , stationed himself so that he could observe the mother-child interaction in either of the two adjoining rooms .
13 Dick has a generous amount of time and experience in taildraggers like Staggerwings and T-6s but he wanted Bill Dodds who had broad P-40 for the first time so that he could compare the aircraft with others that he 's flown .
14 Dexter took the jacket to the window so that he could scrutinise the cuff by natural light .
15 Mrs Sweet leant against him , so that he could feel the lacquered crispness of her hair on his ear .
16 One senior official with a ringside seat at the traumas of winter 1973–4 contemplated resignation during the first week of March so that he could tell the country that Heath was a serious man and had been a worthy prime minister .
17 He paused , so that he could shed the sorrow that had taken hold of him .
18 The Prime Minister rearranged the seating round the Cabinet table so that he could avoid the unnerving penetrating eyes of his Minister of Health , as Lord Home revealed in his memoirs :
19 Asking for the appropriate volumes of Bryan 's Dictionary of Painters , so that he could study the entries for these artists , he read slowly through them marking the place he had reached in the text with his forefinger .
20 Fortunately , however , they knew enough about Dawn 's condition to question the neurosurgeon closely when he described how Dawn would be fully conscious throughout the operation so that he could identify the damaged brain cells which were causing the spasticity , in order to destroy them .
21 Rogers dipped a wing so that he could watch the aeroplane tumble away , lopsided , dwindling to a grey-brown fragment that flickered in the early sunlight .
22 He hesitated , trying to divine his father 's intent in asking it so that he could formulate the appropriate answer .
23 For example , after the second election of 1701 , the freeholders of Sussex sent instructions to their two newly elected Whig MPs urging them to vote William a sufficient supply so that he could renew the war against the French , arguing that " the power of France " had grown " so formidable " that it posed a threat not just to " our trade and commerce abroad in the world " , but also to " our religion , laws , liberties , properties " .
24 He turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to flow through so that he could adjust the temperature .
25 The Dragoon General seized the Colonel 's uniform jacket and dragged the man close so that he could smell the General 's garlic and brandy flavoured breath .
26 Overall , I believe Stalin planned Kirov 's murder so that he could continue the purges , with a justifiable excuse to back him up .
27 The attendant watched her , hoping that she would get a little closer to the picture , so that he could relieve the boredom of his long day by telling her to stand back .
28 The first time she wore it , Nigel kept his coat on at a party so that he could hold the side out and cover the vision .
29 With Gomez watching , he bound Trent s wrists in front of him so that he could hold the coffee mug .
30 He threw a rope-ladder down to Michael so that he could take the weight off his legs and the strain off his back .
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