Example sentences of "[adv] that it has [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 So much so that it has become a saw of pollsters and political commentators that ‘ election campaigns make no difference ’ .
2 But if a child mutates in a big way , so that it has moved a long distance away from its parent in genetic space , what are the odds of its being better than its parent ?
3 The reason that it has received so much attention is not primarily that it is of practical importance ( although it has applications , e.g. Sections 26.2 , 26.5 , 26.6 ) , but rather that it has become a context for the development of ideas about the consequences of instability and evolution towards turbulent motion .
4 IBM Corp 's Thomas J Watson Lab announced yesterday that it has developed a tool kit for building virtual reality simulation applications for the ‘ real worlds ’ of science , medicine , education and business .
5 In an attempt to forestall or derail Microsoft Corp 's likely objections to its WABI Windows Applications Binary Interface for running Windows applications under Unix , Sun Microsystems Inc is expected to reveal at the WABI launch tomorrow that it has orchestrated a Public Windows Initiative pressure group of vendors that will attempt to force Microsoft to open up , if not make public , its future plans for the Win16 16-bit application programming interface for Windows 3.1 , this week 's issue of our sister paper Unigram.X reports .
6 This question too has had a long history though it is only quite recently that it has become a precisely defined issue of zoological theory .
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