Example sentences of "[adv] that i [modal v] see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I also know how to get the red-tailed buzzard out of a tree at night , so if it flies off I stay by the tree in which it settles until dark , then I go and fetch sticks and a torch so that I can see what I 'm doing .
2 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
3 Then Goiko 's wife begged the master-mason , " At Least leave a small gap , so that I can see my son Jovo when he passes by . "
4 I have the clock , so that I know the time , Schedule+ so that I can see my appointments , and Word for Windows for word processing .
5 You spoke when your face was turned away from me ’ or ‘ I 'll move this vase of flowers so that I can see your face clearly . ’
6 It is a wide double ; the companion is of magnitude 4.8 , and the separation 41 seconds of arc , so that I can see it with × 20 .
7 ABBERLEY : Would you mind turning your cardiograph around a little so that I can see it ?
8 She gives me time to read the label on the front cover Government Commission Press Department , 1974 — then opens it and slowly turns the pages , so that I can see it is a cuttings book , in which the Commission 's Press Officer has pasted the results of his labours , the stories inspired by all his briefings , handouts and leaks .
9 I spent a good while asking for something written down so that I could see what I was and was n't supposed to do , but that was a forlorn hope .
10 I even brought her here so that I could see your reaction to her , see if that spark of jealousy you 'd once felt towards her was still there . ’
11 It 's just that I can see myself listening to the Brahms Quartets rather more often .
12 It was almost dark when I found it and it was not until I arrived home that I could see its lovely design .
13 ‘ Yes , now that I can see you better , I can say that you are a decidedly pretty girl , even if the cat has eaten your tongue . ’
14 The handrail was visible for a yard or two more , so I figured the catwalk might still be passable ; beyond that I could see nothing .
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