Example sentences of "[adv] it [is] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
2 For that reason alone it is important to come to terms with the factors that are causing anxiety and lack of peace within our minds .
3 Obviously it is sad to part with such a fine piece of craftsmanship , but it will be appreciated and well-looked after in the National Museums of Scotland , as one of the major items in the important spinning-wheel collections .
4 So it is possible to refer to a contextually prominent woman as she , the first time she is mentioned in a conversation .
5 These two groups of animals are quite unrelated , but both still have living representatives in the oceans , and so it is possible to look at living animals to help with the interpretation of fossil examples .
6 So it is possible to look for ways of ordering our responses to technology and resource allocation in a morally responsible way ; and , being possible , it is our duty to do so .
7 So it is essential to check with your travel agent or bank on your destination 's quirks and then think about other possible needs , as money may not be your only consideration .
8 So it is impossible to generalize about the extent of the provision .
9 so it 's necessary to talk about it and risk conflict . ’
10 They 've fixed it so it 's impossible to tamper with it unless you 're a ruddy watchmaker or something .
11 So it 's sensible to buy with a view to maintaining a good second-hand value as the car ages .
12 Right the sheets are coming round , when you get yours , your name on it and today 's date on it please , that 's all , I 've already punched holes in it so it 's ready to go in your file Now is there anyone who does not have one of these sheets , it says at the top year seven , module one , survey on belief .
13 talking oh she was talking with him , so it 's rude to interrupt like that !
14 That 's because you , you want to , everyone does , you want to think in terms of conductances , so it 's hard to get over this problem , so do n't get over it .
15 so the essence of balm cake so it 's alright to go from the body to intellect , maybe that is alright , if you just forget the body .
16 So it 's important to reward at the point of the desired behaviour , okay ?
17 Thus it is possible to speak of cheerful colours and melancholy sounds ( Gombrich , 1963 ) or of the mood of an entire painting or piece of music .
18 Thus it is meaningless to talk of bootstrap activities by which we or they who are less fortunate can lift themselves up .
19 Thus it is fine to think in terms of unobservable entities , provided that such theorizing results in statements capable of being tested .
20 The remittance basis is only applicable to Cases IV and V and capital gains tax and thus it is important to keep within the correct Case .
21 It follows that technically it is possible to dispense with " truth-talk " altogether , and if so , the alleged puzzles surrounding the concept of truth are shown to be more artificial than real .
22 Technically it is possible to adjust for these discrepancies by applying regression coefficients to the data , but even after this is done , major Japanese lead-time advantages — of 13 to 14 months — remain .
23 Nonetheless it is able to call upon independent experts and is often therefore a source of technical expertise , and has occasionally , as in the Beretta Report on the social aspects of the SEM , made a significant contribution .
24 Obviously if you have an essentially period home it is good to keep at least within the spirit of the place , although conversely , one old piece in a very modern hall can look stunning .
25 Also it is convenient to work in terms of the reciprocal of the square of this Froude number ; that is in terms of
26 Hence it is vain to go to historical consciousness for the truest meaning .
27 To appreciate this clearly it is necessary to look at each of these tasks in turn .
28 Now it 's unlikely to go through this week , ’ he said .
29 Let's , let's just put it here , A minus B times A minus B. Now it 's tempting to go for the easier ones in it as you did , so we 'll do the A squared , okay that 's no problem .
30 Some of the combinations seem to go together automatically — e.g. the apprentice will be low status , somebody who needs to be taught — but often it 's useful to think beyond the obvious .
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