Example sentences of "[adv] to [be] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Try to find an adult ( parent , youth leader , etc ) who you trust enough to be able to talk to about all of your friendships .
2 I positioned myself in the entrance to the doorway sufficiently enough to be able to see through the er the window we have in the shield erm to see quickly into the room to see er what 's in the room and if there are any persons in the room .
3 ‘ The focus of my own emotions , ’ said Ian , ‘ is not , as I think Julia 's is , my family , whom I have always been fortunate enough to be able to take for granted , but rather is it the Church , about which I 'm unduly passionate .
4 In the fourth year I was lucky enough to be able to go to Kenya and find out what life was like in a hospital there and we had a missionary from my church that was a teacher in Kenya with the African Inland Mission and I went to , really I was nursing erm and helping out there .
5 But that meaning is not determinate enough to be able to adjudicate between rival translations , so as to make it the case that at most one is right ( though we may never be able to tell which ) .
6 This species circles the porcupine like a mongoose dealing with a cobra , and confuses it enough to be able to strike at its only vulnerable zone — its head .
7 In both countries , a significant fraction is of ‘ unknown ’ origin or ‘ background ’ , in the air long enough to be difficult to assign to any one source .
8 He hoped greatly to be able to go to Oxford in the autumn ; there should be enough money from a sale to support his mother , his brother and himself till he obtained a degree and could earn his living .
9 It is good to know that Scottish Amicable has long since grown sufficiently to be able to invest in large properties .
10 It is essential , but not always obvious , that R&D workers should understand what accountants do sufficiently to be able to communicate with them and on occasion to negotiate change in the detail of how they do it .
11 It is essential , but not always obvious , that R&D workers should understand what accountants do sufficiently to be able to communicate with them and on occasion to negotiate change in the detail of how they do it .
12 It was a Thursday and Collins had to sign by five o'clock to be eligible to play on Saturday .
13 ‘ I am one of those people ’ , he has said in the past , ’ who must take exercise not only to be able to give of my best , but just to survive — I mean , I ca n't function without it .
14 We need not only to be able to swim in a sea of uncertainty but also to resist panic when we get out of our depth .
15 I 've been worried out of my head for so long it was a tremendous relief to me just to be able to talk to someone .
16 Just to be able to talk to someone means so much .
17 If trainees argue that the caring professions need always to be available to help with every problem , it would be an idea to ask them to make a list of five reasons and then submit these to open discussion .
18 In fact , one would expect a public authority always to be inclined to search for a way to reach the same decision legally the second time round , if only to save face ; and the incentive to do so would be even greater if it were likely to be required to pay damages should it decide that its earlier loss-causing decision ought to be changed .
19 From May 6 restrictions on the amount of money Greek travellers to EC countries might take with them were relaxed , as part of a Bank of Greece package of liberalization measures to meet EC guidelines ; Greeks were also to be able to participate as individuals on EC member countries ' stock markets .
20 Lexicological units must not only be delimited paradigmatically , that is , within a constant syntactic frame : we want also to be able to say of two occurrences of a lexical form in different syntactic environments whether they are occurrences of the same lexical unit , or two different units .
21 Last year the general assembly gave to the Board of Social Responsibility a task of coordinating the work of the church in this field and we are proud now to be able to report to the general assembly that the work done by the assembly 's various Boards and by numerous local initiatives make the Church of Scotland the nation 's leading provider of services to the victims of H I V and to their families delivering both the most extensive and the most comprehensive service to these people within Scotland .
22 I would like to er say that we are very grateful today to be able to welcome amongst us his grace erm , the most reverent Alwyn who has just recently been elected as the Archbishop of Wales .
23 Alas , it is not given to most of us to be sort of genius Edgar Allan Poe was ( most of the time ) , or even to be able to walk in his footsteps like Conan Doyle , G.K. Chesterton , Dorothy L. Sayers and Agatha Christie , with those steps getting fainter and fainter along the way .
24 If you have embarked on this decision , entertaining friends at home may became increasingly difficult too , for your parent may look forward always to being present on these occasions , without realising for one moment that her daughter needs the opportunity sometimes to be able to relate to her friends alone , so that she can project her personality freely and share confidences and opinions with people of her own generation .
25 There is one other point , although erm you know , it 's good that they are in the er areas which the tenants er , live so it 's er not very difficult for tenants to come and see their councillors but er er , there is a difficulty at times when er the er air the housing manager has to ring around to get the er members , who are able to sit on that panel and sometimes that is difficult because we have just three members and sometimes they ca n't all fit in the , whereas when you have a larger group if one member ca n't attend , there 's invariably sufficient there to be able to come to a decision so I think that that 's on the other side of the balance sheet .
26 Early check-ups in England had shown a normal pregnancy and she was looking forward to being able to indulge in her favourite French foods .
27 Judges ought , when they are pre-reading a case , to be able to pick up the skeleton argument , and they ought actually to be able to start with the skeleton argument , which would tell them in very succinct form the background facts and what the points are .
28 If today we can see better than we could at the time the agonized grandeur of the figure of Pope Paul , the one almost ‘ liberal ’ pope of modern times , we can also see how deeply uncertain was the Church he left behind him and — after twelve years — we begin too to be able to assess in its very different character the pontificate of John Paul II .
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