Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to her suddenly that she had rarely enjoyed herself so much as she was now doing , seated in Dr Neil 's kitchen , dressed like a skivvy and eating a huge meal , rather than languidly nibbling at it , as she would have done at one of Aunt Nella 's ‘ At Homes ’ .
2 Right , now we 've come I think to future events , erm , and we need to just try and list anything you know that 's coming up so , partly so that we 've actually got it down writing and we can look back on it .
3 Now I 'm wondering how easy or whether there 's any mileage in actually having a report coming to our next committee , to actually build on that so that we 've actually got something to pull on figures to consider erm , and if , and it , it is going to detrimentally impact upon us to a greater or lesser extent , then , then obviously it 's helpful to me .
4 We 've had lectures in the biology area , in physics , in engineering and in chemistry , so that we 've really spanned the whole shooting match really as far as that goes , and of course we try to put something into these lectures for those doing the most advanced work in the sixth form and also for those doing O levels , let's say , and some who are younger even than that .
5 yes could we sit down and write the two of us some pages to put to this next meeting so that we have actually got some meat in front of us ?
6 Those values and that conception of society have permeated the American consciousness , so much so that they have largely gone unstated .
7 Their great rarity has given them a special value in times past , so that they have often escaped the indifference and persecution that has befallen the commonplace moggies .
8 During the 1980s these quasi-government agencies became a convenient means of off-balance-sheet financing ; so much so that they have now amassed nearly $1 trillion-worth of obligations underwritten by the American taxpayer .
9 She was feeling as if she 'd made a long , exhausting hike instead of just the kilometre or so that she 'd actually walked , but it was n't a bad feeling .
10 At school , compensating , she had worked and worked and worked , so much so that she had finally made the two A's and a B necessary for medicine in her A levels .
11 There had been a delay in building it , so that I had only managed a few hours ' practice in the streets of Salford .
12 He was not clear about it , had no notion of his objective or destination ; he knew only that he had once felt filled with high sense of purpose , that aimlessness had not then been his condition , but a starry conviction .
13 He shook his head , not understanding , knowing only that he had never seen his father sleeping .
14 Erm the process check list erm again they 've identified the people on each erm and within that they 've actually nominated people to look at the land ownership which is the , on the ignored with their rider on the previous sheet .
15 This latter point is not intended to imply that scientists have suddenly ‘ got God ’ ; rather that they have generally refused to admit that , if some event is widely reported in religious writings , there is a very good chance that it did in fact happen .
16 It 's just that they 've probably got so tired of putting petrol in each year
17 Perhaps it was just that he had already made other plans .
18 You 're perfectly capable of teaching ; it 's just that you 've now got this thing about it . ’
19 Just that you 've apparently cornered the market in finding weak and easy targets , people who have neither the strength nor the wherewithal to fight you . ’
20 It 's just that I 've already mentioned to someone else , and if they ca n't go , then I 'll offer it to you .
21 It 's just that I 've just got too many at , it can only be done a week before
22 It 's just that I 've never given the matter much thought .
23 It 's just that I 've never met a policeman before . ’
24 It 's just that I 've never met anyone as nice as you talk .
25 It 's just that I have never seen him
26 I 'm not very good at listening to God , but between one and three am God spoke to me so powerfully and painfully that I have never felt so broken before him ( and still do ) .
27 It 's I 've I was telling David outside that I 've absolutely butchered it and I it 's erm two thousand one hundred and sixty .
28 That was about six years ago , I heard that , and I 've heard of one person already that I 've personally met .
29 She had been so terrifically busy lately that she had scarcely had time to go near the beach , except for odd moments snatched while she was shopping .
30 But if Sartre anticipates such later thinkers we should not assume too quickly that they have simply taken his insights further .
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