Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] be [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 His wavy black hair curled behind his ears so thickly that she was reminded of an Ingres portrait of a nobleman she had seen in one of Miss Hatherby 's books .
2 ’ John made it clear enough that he was thinking of the Roman curia : ‘ In our everyday ministry we often have to listen , greatly to our sorrow , to those … who do not have much discretion or balance ’ .
3 Skin tones varied , and scars like scarlet ropes ran about the anatomy , so that one was reminded of a butcher 's diagram .
4 Similarly Joseph Priestley concluded that men were treated as ‘ mere brutes ’ in the slave trade ‘ so that they are deprived of every advantage of their rational nature ’ .
5 Speaking for the Socialists , the largest single group in the assembly , British MEP David Bowe ( Cleveland and Yorkshire North ) said ‘ We should all be conscious of the scandals which have taken place in the past , whether it be the dumping of waste in the Third World or the scandalous sham recycling of some waste so that it is disposed of in extremely environmentally unfriendly ways ’ .
6 Opposite the fire-place was a table , which I should call a Pembroke , only that it was made of deal , and I can not tell how far such a name may be applied to such humble material .
7 Edwin and Robert Grabhorn , who founded the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco in 1920 , worked so amicably together that it was said of them : ‘ When Ed 's away the shop goes to pieces ; when Bob 's away , Ed goes to pieces ’ ; but it would be a mistake to think that relationships between printers were always so harmonious .
8 And she said , no it was just that he 's talking of renting his house erm and I know of someone who wants to rent one .
9 ‘ Still , it was n't exactly that I was thinking of , ’ the Marshal said .
10 Peter said feebly that he was thinking of going to India next year .
11 Does she agree also that we are talking of not one or two people but tens of people ?
12 She knew instantly that he was thinking of the Father of Lies — for the Prince of Darkness has as many titles as the Prince of Wales — and she went pink .
13 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
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