Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] [modal v] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Charles said gloomily that he 'd drink to that .
2 Also , how would you feel if your bosses came in and told you suddenly that you can move to another firm ‘ if you want to ’ .
3 The overriding criterion — that the service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate — does not even have to be based on objective grounds ; it is enough that it should appear to be so to the constable making the arrest .
4 She swept them out , following them , fearing perhaps that they would add to Harry 's fatigue , and he and I looked at each other across the suddenly empty room in a shared fundamental awareness .
5 Generally , art criticism connected with mixed and group exhibitions is commentary from outside , so that we shall return to them , with only this brief mention here , in the next chapter .
6 Erm but one of the things that we , that we will need to do is actually to review the overtime for the last three months to say okay , what 's it actually been spent on so that we can start to er make sure we 've identified the reasons for it .
7 Turn back your currents in their course , the stiff breeze and the gentle wind , pull back the tide and send the sun , the moon , and the stars spinning in the churn of the heavens — so that we can return to the time before this time .
8 We find it helpful to number modes so that we can refer to them simply in the form νsubn ; .
9 Will you please ask the Commissioner to ensure that the Sessional Order is given the highest priority so that we can get to this place without being obstructed by coaches ?
10 Yes I wanted to erm outline what the you know the purpose of these discussions today er so that we can get to the point where we can get into er get into more detail .
11 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
12 The words ‘ I ask you , son , to care for the lands which will come to you with your usual diligence and look after them so that they may come to your sons ’ , although they do not sufficiently express a trust but advice rather than obligation to leave the lands , are none the less regarded as having the force of a trust in favour of the grandsons after the death of their father .
13 Knowing that these and similar things are being said , in order to commemorate past deeds , so that they may come to the notice of future generations , I have not been able to hide the struggles of the wicked or the lives of those who have lived righteously , even in much uncultivated speech .
14 Although references to the presence of black people are available from the Roman period onward , especially in the early sixteenth century , the most famous of the early documented references is the arrival in 1555 of a group of five Africans , brought here by a merchant to be taught English so that they could return to Africa to act as interpreters for British traders .
15 She would take groups to concerts , or to other churches so that they could listen to preachers of different denominations and widen their experience .
16 ‘ To dress the Croatian thugs up as Franciscan monks so that they could escape to Italy out of the clutches of Tito 's partisans .
17 Again , wherever possible , it was hoped that the nature of the role the local workers fulfilled and the hours they worked would be flexible so that they could respond to any changing needs of their client .
18 The support workers were encouraged to be fairly flexible with the hours worked , so that they could respond to a crisis with their client , or to any temporary increased need for their services .
19 Expatriates may be sent overseas because there is a specific demand for their skills , because they are needed to train local employees in particular procedures or because the expatriates themselves are to receive training so that they can return to their home countries to pass on their newly acquired skills .
20 The Action Teams have been deliberately set up with a wide brief so that they can adapt to local needs without having to conform to a rigid pattern .
21 Making time and releasing creative energy by incorporating the community and children into management processes so that they can contribute to , rather than be subjects of , school management .
22 It is important that planning is carried out by the managers involved in the activities of a business so that they can relate to the plan and feel that the plan is their plan .
23 The retir , the retirement homes are being strategically placed in that position enabling people to be in a real central position so that they can get to all of the amenities they need .
24 She asked the shopkeeper 's name so that she would know to whom to send her servant .
25 It was a rhetorical question but Elisabeth was pleased to be distracted , given an opening , so that she might contribute to the conversation .
26 Later she mastered Braille , learned to type and later took lessons from a teacher for the deaf so that she could go to school , then college and later spent her life lecturing all over the world .
27 Erm to my self respect and I just I was determined that it was n't going to happen to my daughter , so in consequence I saw that working on the side to get to get the uniform so that she could go to school in a new uniform same as all the other kids as a necessity .
28 I undressed her in her South Kensington hotel room and fucked her , only retreating to the safety of the street outside when she asked me to stay the night so that she could pretend to be my mother .
29 She then hesitated , waiting for him to leave the office so that she could speak to her father in private , but he made no move to do so .
30 ‘ Oh , great , ’ she said , and she hitched up her dress so that she could get to her feet ; there was simply no elegant way of doing it .
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