Example sentences of "[adv] he have [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She would have felt more able to respond if only he 'd exploded in a burst of anger .
2 Perhaps he had run into a pensioners ' outing .
3 Perhaps he had stepped behind a tree to relieve himself .
4 He did not resume his role as a major lender until after 1689 but meanwhile he had blossomed into a Kentish landowner and re-entered Parliament .
5 Even his walk was changed : normally he 'd moved like a man with springs in his feet .
6 In a wide ranging and at times overtly anti-communist speech , described by the Guardian of March 30 as " more measured and specific than any he has given for a long time " , Yeltsin pilloried central government policy , labelling perestroika the " last phase of the stagnation period " .
7 Years earlier he had resided briefly at a clinic with Vivien , where Robert Sencourt claimed to have first met them both : and earlier still he had spoken of a mental condition of ‘ long-standing ’ .
8 The world heavyweight champion , Riddick Bowe , said yesterday he had agreed to a rematch with Evander Holy- field , whom he dethroned last November .
9 Mr Templeton said that minutes later he had spoken to a policeman who contradicted that information and said he had been told that there was someone in the building .
10 Clearly he has listened at a number of keyholes and collected the right gossip .
11 Now he had fallen into a trap which the greenest copper would have avoided .
12 Oh well he 's moved on a day then
13 He might be a fat , wealthy merchant now but fifteen years ago he had fought as a knight , shoulder to shoulder with men who feared nothing on earth .
14 Here he had slept as a young boy and until his marriage .
15 Since then he has played with a succession of famous names in rock history , including Joe Cocker , Tim Hinkley , Frankie Miller , Roy Harper , Paul McCartney , Ronnie Lane etc .
16 Instead he has thought of a number .
17 He believed there was a future for Swanage and therefore he had striven for a great number of years to improve it — ( laughter ) — but he was very glad that those who came from afar were pleased and satisfied .
18 If a diabetic patient was in need of so-called ‘ balance ’ — namely , the appropriate injection of human insulin for the control of blood-sugar levels — equally so did Morse require the occasional balance of some mildly erotic fancy in order to meet the demands of what until recently he had diagnosed as a reasonably healthy libido .
19 Until recently he had resided in a castle in Fantasy Gardens complete with ornamental moat and imitation Dutch village .
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