Example sentences of "[adv] have [been] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I agree with my hon. Friend that in the past the weakness when farmers have got together has been the quality of marketing and management that they bring to a project .
2 This method alone has been the downfall of countless ' big fish up and down the country , and I foresee its popularity increasing in the coming seasons .
3 The best thing of all has been the chance of taking part in this war …
4 Investors have frequently been offered special inducements , but the biggest inducement of all has been the underpricing of many of the issues and the chance of an immediate profit .
5 One of the dominant themes in the redistribution of population in the Western World over the past twenty years or so has been the dispersal of population from large cities to medium and small-sized settlements .
6 One of the most remarkable discoveries arising from oceanographic research over the past two decades or so has been the youth of oceanic sediments and the underlying basaltic crust .
7 Next week , if the plot had not been uncovered , it would apparently have been the turn of his white comrade , Joe Slovo .
8 If the question of professional misconduct had been pursued the issue would not merely have been the efficacy of the Code but the power of the employer against the strength and stature of the profession , and thence the credibility of the profession .
9 ‘ It can only have been the smell of the mothballs . ’
10 It may only have been the milestone of hitting thirty , but I could n't help feeling that it was proof that life was passing me by .
11 Between these extremes conditions varied endlessly , with so many towns sharing the social structure of their rural environments that cases of exceptional wealth can only have been the outcome of special circumstances .
12 This in turn suggests that class politics of the old sort may only have been the politics of modernism in its classic , now discredited phase .
13 Nevertheless the technique is attractive enough to have been the subject of further development work ( Bakhuizen , 1979 ; Hair , 1983 ) and commercial exploitation ( Kuo and Butts , 1982 ) .
14 The story 's climax , had he reached it , was obviously to have been the outcome of his meeting with the widow 's beautiful and gifted daughter .
15 Tutorial Classes were firmly in the university sector and some LEAs were arranging classes which hitherto had been the preserve of the WEA , e.g. civics and esperanto , and even as early as 1936 , the number was relatively substantial ( see Table 4.2 ) .
16 Thus has been the pattern with sterling 's entry into the exchange-rate mechanism of the European Monetary System .
17 In the majority of cases however , the valuation engagement will be value added , where the firm uses information , which may already have been the subject of validation , enquiry and analytical procedures or information gathering work , to derive a conclusion in the form of an estimated value or range of values for a particular purpose .
18 I am sure I would have gone to the Crusades and done my bit , although that might just have been the racist in me or my natural desire to loot .
19 Thaxted church was built in about 1340 and the finishing touches were made in the 1550s ; with its magnificent structure it could easily have been the cathedral of north-west Essex if one had ever been needed .
20 That , too , may have been reactive to Modernism and Bloomsbury , which were certainly coteries , though in a land traditionally sceptical of manifestoes and cynical about self-advertisement it may as easily have been the reassertion of an ancient mistrust .
21 Can this ever have been the trouble with Larkin ?
22 ( It may still have been the prisoner of vested interests , but that is another matter . )
23 And as Morse opened his passenger door , he stood for a while looking up at the Pole Star , and asking himself the question he had been asking for the past two hours : was there any way in which Downes could still have been the murderer after all ?
24 Though its effects were remarkable enough , it could hardly have been the progenitor of the wave of organisation which had initially affected the primary port areas of Britain outside London — particularly Liverpool , Cardiff and Glasgow — in the late autumn of the previous year .
25 It could hardly have been the result of an error .
26 Though Ealing itself doubled in size between 1861 and 1871 and grew by over half in each of the two following decades , the first of these increases can hardly have been the result of the railway services although the later ones may have been .
27 Could this possibly have been the canoe in which our Halling Man travelled down the river ?
28 Such may possibly have been the motive behind the creation of the muftilik of Cyprus , but the case for the argument seems stronger in isolation than it does when set against the fact that by 979/1571 the creation of such joint muderris/muftiliks appears to have become quite a common practice .
29 Wide-eyed in reproach , those windows must once have been the glory of Holford .
30 Though Antarctica must once have been the home of marsupials and possibly of placental mammals , it is currently the only world continent without a land mammal population .
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