Example sentences of "[adv] have [be] [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Enough has been said about this whole thing now and I just want to forget about it . ’
2 Enough has been said in this paragraph to indicate that the justification of telescopic observations was no simple , straightforward matter .
3 I think enough has been said regarding this today , in relation to this , I think we have supported our police force , we have a fine police force in this county .
4 But the cost of his doing so has been revealed in all its starkness in the unseemly scramble for the succession that has followed his departure .
5 Mama was rehearsing , that was all ; but it should perhaps have been kept for some other time .
6 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
7 It is also guaranteeing mortgages at 1 per cent below the normal interest rate , for endowment or pension-linked policies , on several of the houses up for sale , an interesting and innovative service for would-be bidders ( mortgage surveys will already have been undertaken for these houses ) .
8 Some thought will already have been given to this in deciding how many priorities will be tackled in the coming year .
9 ( Teachers used to living in subject blinkers are sometimes startled to find that films chosen as " starters " for topic work in their subject may already have been shown by another teacher in a different context .
10 He may already have been linked by this date with Earl Richard 's son , Gilbert , eighth Earl of Gloucester [ q.v . ] .
11 ‘ One telephone call which could easily have been faked from any phone box , a letter which no one outside the family has seen , and a pay-off which will supposedly take place once arrangements have been made over a telephone number they refuse to disclose .
12 You must think I 'm absolutely barking just to have been sat with this in front of me and not done anything about it .
13 More traditional home grown ways of alleviating unemployment meanwhile have been outlined in each of the major parties ' manifestoes .
14 Observations were intended to be made of stream channel changes , mass movement , vegetation changes , precipitation , reservoir sedimentation , and dendrochronology , and the intention to maintain measurements over a decade or more has been realized at some sites ( e.g. Leopold and Emmett , 1965 ) .
15 Ronny Johnsen — nothing more has been said of this in our press .
16 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
17 If a worker-led bid came forward and there were employees within a company who had drive , initiative and new ideas about how it could be run more successfully and provide more services at no cost to the public purse , why should they , in effect , be disqualified without their case ever having been studied by those who are supposed to study the bids ?
18 This resulted in the construction of churches that could not possibly have been supported by such a small population — there were fifteen in the town centre alone — and these were maintained by the bull priests for secret ritual and ceremonial services on 13 November , the ‘ festal day ’ .
19 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
20 Fluid flow turbulence , in contrast , is far too pervasive ever to have been regarded in this way .
21 It seems , however , always to have been associated by those who employed it with the idea that Britain 's historic policy towards its dependencies had been to lead them along the path towards self-government — a belief which had for its principal inspiration the history of Canada since the Durham report .
22 The place was fairly close to his parents ' home and possibly had been chosen for that reason .
23 Nothing more had been said on that subject .
24 In addition to a claim for capital loss or loss of profits , a claim can be made for any consequential loss which falls within the rules in Hadley v. Baxendale , i.e. loss of a type which at the time of the contract could reasonably have been predicted by both parties as liable ( i.e. not unlikely ) to occur in the event of the breach .
25 It was impossible not to feel that she had been badly treated , but the bad treatment came from the intransigent doctors and not from a Prime Minister who , as she must have known , was immensely supportive and would not willingly have been associated with any slight on her .
26 In the early 1960s an American writer dubbed Karajan the conductor of ‘ mathematicians [ Bach would probably have been flattered by such an appellation ] and engineers ’ .
27 ‘ We would probably have been fleeced by some estate agents who would have smelled our lack of knowledge of the market a mile off .
28 He says it could be an accident , but it could also have been caused by another person .
29 It is perhaps noteworthy that two chroniclers refer to the plague of 1361 as the pestis puerorum , the plague of the children , and if it is true that children in particular had perished in that outbreak , it could be that by the early 1370s the supply of labour was being reduced by a shortage of new recruits , particularly as the survivors of 1361 would also have been attacked by another outbreak in 1369 .
30 This decision was made by the patients ' doctors ; neither patient responded , but both have been included in this analysis .
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